Worst Weed Withdrawal Symptoms (this is scary)

The worst weed withdrawal symptom is the headspace weed withdrawal puts us in. Marijuana can have several effects on mental …


  1. Been smoking since I was 14 Iā€™m 19 now and still smoking, started smoking almost everyday like a year ago and i got bad anxiety and got very shy over the year and when im sober I donā€™t got anxiety or nothing but when I smoke and go out thatā€™s when my anxiety gets really bad, weed isnā€™t that bad like all these other drugs but it is bad not gonna lie, Lowers your sperm count and all but thats what they donā€™t tell uā€¦ best to jus be high on life and just be sober trust mešŸ’Æ

  2. 4:00 addiction is a spirit that you have to be delivered from without Godā€™s help itā€™s really hard. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and rulers in heavenly places

  3. For all you thinking something is wrong with your body from head all the way to stomach you are fine itā€™s just you body reacting to not having weed in your system anymore try to go running and drink a lot of water itā€™s what helps me but trust me youā€™re ok

  4. I am currently going through withdrawals, but its constantly making me worried about my health. I constantly worry about my heart as it rises and I feel it beating in my chest. Its been almost a week, and my parents/friends keep telling nothings wrong with my heart, but I keep worrying. Its conpletely awful, I even know my heart is fine. But I keep getting stressed over it

  5. Thank you so much, this video has really helped me out, and in favor I will tell my story

    I am James, and I recently turned 21, I have a house with my best friend and we have been smoking weed all day every day any time we were not at work for the past 6 months, but have also been smoking every day at some level for over a year before that. Turning 21 at the end of March I decided it was time to get my life back in order (I quit nicotine on new years after going through the equivalent of 2 juul pods a day for 4 years) so I thought weed would be the same (it is not). It started out okay, but I experienced some trauma midway through quitting that completely set me off and for the first time in my life I became genuinely suicidal to the point where I had to go sleep at my parents house to feel safe from myself, my anxiety is though the roof to the point I cannot work at the moment, and I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest at any minor inconvenience. I feel extremely physically and mentally sick. However yesterday (day 3 of staying with my parents) I was able to genuinely smile and enjoy and groove to some music. I am currently laying in bed at 6pm struggling to keep going, but your video just gave me hope to keep going another day. šŸ™‚

  6. The nightmares after a couple weeks is insane man. I always say how I love nightmares but these are to much and to real. The scariest part Iā€™ve had a couple legit precognitive dreams that I was able to prove by telling my parents before they happen in real time. Nothing bad or anything, but now Iā€™m scared which nightmares are coming true

  7. Bro my Withdrawl be DEVIOUSā€¼ļø I be Agitated and Canā€™t Function correctly. Only time i handled it well was when i was pregnant.

  8. Iā€™m on day one and I going through horrible hypochondria. When ever I quit I get of feeling of impending doom and constantly worried that I sick, have cancer or ms. My anxiety gives me pain in my neck and back from being tenseā€¦

  9. I quit alcohol a few years back and at the time I used weed occasionally. After I quit the booze I said weed will be a good alternative. I don't smoke it but certainly loved all the edibles. I am now trying to quit this too and I had no idea it would feel like this. Anyone who tells you marijuana is not addictive is flat out lying to you.
    This channel is an inspiration to keep going knowing other dues are going through he exact same thing.
    Alcohol was way easier to quit!!!

  10. Today is my second day clean after 5 years with smoking 4 times a day, I feel very floaty and sweating a lot and have stomach aches and am throwing up! I also have bad anxiety to start with so this is not making it any better! My doctor gave a RX of lorazapam for my anxiety, Iā€™m definitely feeling depressed but I am still pushing myself

  11. Yā€™all are Tweakinf donā€™t smoke weed ts donā€™t help nothing you get more problems in your life yā€™all donā€™t need that you need happiness if you wanna feel somthing drink alcohol

  12. on day 4 of no weed this is terrifying. from feeling my heart randomly start racing to the horrible pain ive had in my stomach it has honestly made me feel like im going to d*e. im only 18 years old but have been smoking every single day without stopping an insane amount. weed was so easy to get as having friends who own med cards would hook it up i never had a reason to stop as everyone around me are heavy smokers. i cant bare with the pain anymore but ik this is what i want. this plant has taken over my life completely its as if i smoke before doing everything.

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