1. HI Dr. Patel, I have been diagnosed by my neurologist with seizures and am currently taking anti seizure medication. He never said the word epilepsy. Also I have also tested recently for Lyme and it came back that I had the antibody, since I had been bit years ago, i was not treated at the time but my neurologist has treated me since, I also have chronic shingles and the pain that comes along with that. Am I eligible in NY. My doc suggested CDB

  2. Hi Dr. Patel this was my question. Thank you for answering it. This is my another YouTube account. I was just now searching about info and I remembered you I clicked and heard my name. THANK YOU⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  3. Hello Dr. Patel, I live in New Jersey. Do you know of anyone over here that I can get my license from??? I have had 3 surgeries in my back and am still seeing pain management doctors and physical therapy…

  4. Columbia Care does NOT share any type of Spectrum analysis on its
    processed Cannabis Medicine, no report of any type is available with
    using that dispensary. If Cannabis is being grown on site, then how is
    it possible NOT to share what was used for insecticides, fungicides,
    pesticides and fertilizers. What about the medicinal compounds from the
    plant, shouldn't a patient have access to this info? Not at Columbia
    Care in any NY dispensary.

  5. Also don't forget to fill out the forms in triplicate and pay a whole lot of extortion money. Don't forget the other hoops you have to jump through. After you have been properly identified by the government and paid more extortion monies you’re allowed to go to the store to buy what you need, for one year. With over inflated taxes of course! Then you have to do it all over again next year.
    That’s a good dog, oops, I mean slave, oops again, I mean citizen.

  6. Dr. Patel, I’ve had 6 strokes and I don’t think this is over anytime soon. I’was given 11 medications that causes side effects and I don’t want to ruin any other part of my body so I stopped for a few weeks in taking those meds and as soon as I get a head ache I’m afraid of getting another stroke. I’ve heard that cbs will cure hbp but they it is not legal in Chicago, I asked my daughter inlaw to send me one from California but I’m worried about taking it without knowing much about it. Please let me know what I should do? Thank you 🙏

  7. Also I would like to know if there's any benefits for people with diabetes like neuropathy and circulation and inflammation

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