6 Absence seizures caught on camera!

Please find out more information on these links. What is Epilepsy? What are seizures?


  1. Question for you Ms. Brogan do they allow you to Drive in The UK I have Epilepsy it has gotten so bad that I walked across a highway and looking at google maps it's like walking onto a station road from a petrol station I had no clue what was happening until my mother & son yelled at me & snapped me out of it THANK GOD no cars were coming or I would not be here to type this💜

  2. I’m so glad to see that this is being made more aware. I’m pretty sure I had absences during elementary school but no one knew of absence seizures then so I was always told that I needed to stop daydreaming so much, and stop staring into space.

  3. These videos are so helpful. My daughter is 15 and have had these types of seizures since she was 6. I send your videos to her teachers and coaches so they can see an example of what happens to brooklyn. I haven’t caught hers on camera yet. The majority of hers happen during the night, or early morning.
    Thank you again. Your videos help us a lot.

  4. I want to thank you for doing your videos. I am 42 and have begun having what I call my “resets”. They started about 2 years ago, I think. I will be talking, then I kind of look down and away and I know where I am, I know who I’m talking to, but I have no clue what I was saying. I tend to panic a little then and I used to try and laugh them off because I was afraid of what people would say, but now I tell my friends so that they will understand when I ask them, “ what was I saying?”. Someone hit the “reset” and I’m blank. I tried telling my neurologist, and even had 3, that I know of, while I was talking to him at my last visit. I also have unexplained weakness along the left side of my body. He wanted to do some electrical nerve conduction study and I said that was fine. When I was visiting my mom (ex-mother-in-law) she said that when I was talking to her she noticed when I went blank and told me that dad (ex-father-in-law) would do the same thing and that he was diagnosed with seizures. The minute she said that, I flashed back to my college anatomy/physiology class, and remembered this specific type which we witnessed on a similar video. When I called my neurologist’s nurse, I was told I would have to come back in and explain why I wanted them to test for a seizure. I was afraid I would not be able to explain it, since he obviously didn’t get it the first time, and wanted to find a video illustrating what one of my “resets” looks like, and you did that for me. I have to go in two days from now and try to explain. I truly believe that your videos will be of invaluable help. So, thank you.

  5. I had a brain tumor removed when I was 3, so there's scar tissue on my brain.
    I didn't have any more seizures until I was about 14, when I started having grand mal seizures (the convulsing biting your tongue type, what everyone thinks of)
    I've had quite a few of them but thankfully biting my tongue hasn't done much in the long term. The only time I really hurt myself was when I unconscious next to my heater and some fingers got bad 2nd degree burns, one of them was on the tip of my left index finger (my dominate hand) so it aches from clicking a lot sometimes.
    Thankfully I started taking enough of the right medicine to stop having them a couple years ago (I'm 28) but I still have absence seizures. When I have one I get really light headed and dizzy and have trouble breathing, and I start thinking in a really "meta" way (why things the way they are). When people are talking to me I can understand the individual words, but I can't put them together in a way that I can understand what they're actually trying to say. I say "what" a lot when it happens lol
    I've always felt like I've used it as an excuse, but it really has affected my life badly. I've always felt like I can't do a lot of the things other people can do. I also haven't legally been able to drive until a couple years ago, but I still don't want to because if it happens on the road I could kill someone.

  6. This makes me wonder if I had these when I was a child. I had an AVM in the brain and an aneurism. Today, I have Status Epilepticus.. You don't want to go there.

  7. Hello Brogan, this is it, isn’t it? They just appear and go in clusters. My daughter is 7 and is showing symptoms.. and we’ll be called for an eeg in 8 weeks!! It’s hell of a wait time.
    Please could you tell me how do you feel physically after having these seizures everyday? Do you feel worn out, fatigued? How did you manage school? You do appear to be having what are called as typical absences, please correct me if i am wrong.

  8. My left eye twitches and I dribble uncontrollably when my absences occur. Maybe it's an after effect, but I almost always burst out crying afterwards. Does that happen to anyone else?

  9. So i was diagnosed with epilepsy when i was 6 and was put on many different drugs to try and stop my grand mauls and absence seizures… when i was 7 i had 17 grand maul seizure in a 10 hour period and they thought i was gonna die i wasnt awake to know this or hear this from the doctors cause after 17 grand maul seizures my body was beyond worn-out but thats what my parents had told me later in life thats what the doctor had told them they should prepare for the worst for they didn't know how much longer my body could last as a last ditch effort they decided to try and put me on depakote which saved my life and greatly reduced my seizure activity but even with the max dose and dealing with all the horrible brain numbing side effects they where not able to stop all my grand mauls and would not even slow the absence seizures people in school would think i was dumb or slow….. when i can't keep a train of thought or sentence going for more then 10 seconds without an episode happening from the outside i could see how that could look as if i was just studdering but it was more… the best way i could describe how they felt is its like my brain just short circuits randomly and have to reboot….the grand maul seizures i don't remember them cause they involved me going oncontious but the after math i do remember….the after math was me waking up confused not knowing what day it was or what had happened and feeling extremely sore and exhausted and my left shoulder would sometimes even be dislocated from the violent conpulsing and would need to be relocated in the ER I've had hundreds of grand mauls thousands of absence seizures and dislocated my arm more then 100 times …. i didn't find a medication that stopped it all until i was 23 years old…im 27 and watching this i couldn't help but tear up cause i remember how hard it was and what it did to me both physically and mentally….i just wanted to comment tell you my story and say that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and don't loose hope that someday they will find something to helps you live a somewhat normal life… God Bless

  10. I believe I had them when I was younger. I've only had one or two since adulthood but I only recently speculated they were absence seizures. I would black out for a few seconds that seems like a blink but I'd forget momentarily where I was and once I forgot who I am for a few seconds and couldn't remember anything but it quickly came back after about 3 seconds. I felt tired and disoriented for those few seconds and they were terrifying.

  11. I am 31 and throughout my life I was known as a day dreamer. My driving instructor today wanted me to check this out after having what she thinks was an absence seizure at the wheel. I am really worried if I have it, it will ruin my ability to drive.

  12. When I have a staring spell my eyes sometimes feel like they get big and I feel tired afterwards . Doctors aren’t sure what I’m having although I get auras and in the past my whole body has stiffened up . Idk they said I’m a bit atypical . But I’m so unsure too as to what can be happening

  13. Seeing this has made me realize my friend is having way more absence seizures than I thought.
    I can't believe I seen my friend do this so often and not 2 and 2 together 😯

  14. Hi, thank you so much for posting these videos, they're really helpful! <3 I'm in the process of getting diagnosed with absence seizures and I've been wondering if you're still conscious during a seizure. It's a little hard to explain for me because I am not really "there" and feel like there are no thoughts in my brain but I can still hear and see things (even though I don't really understand what they are saying), which makes me feel like I'm faking it all…

  15. Finding your videos last year was like a light bulb moment for realising my teenage daughter was having absent seizures. She has since been diagnosed and the medication has been effective. You making me aware was so helpful, so thankyou x

  16. Dang I suffer from schizophrenia and a severe anxiety disorder, and I can't imagine what it's like to have these random disruptions like that, even though it kinda reminds me of more sedated times when it use to be hard for me to communicate at certain times on my old meds. When your brain over fires like that is it painful? Are there muscle contractions at all, or do you notice an extremely excited state during them? It looks like you just forgot what you were saying for a bit.

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