A Hemp And Seaweed Bioplastic – How To Make It

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  1. Can it be coated with the solar reactive material that is on a compact disc.
    A geodesic dome built of this resin coated solar reactive material wrapped by copper.
    What's that make?

  2. Hi this is facinating, i'm considering making artisinal products as you've said and would happily share any progress i've made. But first i'd like to know if it's viable. Is this watertight for short periods of time? i can't see from the video, Is it rigid and strong once cured? would multiple layers of matt bond to eachother during curing or would a second thicker glue like the one you made in the first video bond it as a secondary process?

  3. How to make a transparent plastic though? I have been following this for past few years (almost a decade now) and I want to make change and earn by making bio plastic which is completely degradable/decompostable in 4-5 yrs only and is easy and cheaper to make. If I could make transparent bottles out of it, I am highly interested in this.

  4. Thank you for this video. How does the dried panel hold up to the elements? Submersion in water, chemicals, sunbaking, etc.? It would be neat to measure force stresses like compression and tension compared to plastics to see industrially, where it falls on the scale.

  5. Over the years you’ve taught me so much, whenever I have an idea and search it on YouTube, you almost always have a video related to what I’m looking for and so much useful information that I just wouldn’t find anywhere else 🙌 Thank you for your service mate 👍 x

  6. ⚠️The🛢️Oil industry is N league with the devil 👹The root of our country's waste is plastics🗑️☢️War💀& Big 💉☣️pharma💊R the hammers 🚔⚒️👠Of our system of justice🙈Controlling thought📺🎭& basic liberty🎱🗽H2o⛲Is the gas of GOD🎏I👁️Understand the oil industry now controls⚖️👠 All environmental groups & Bio fuel is code🧬For deforesting🎄Our planet🌎One🖕I'll bill 🧻@ a time⌛🤧

  7. I'm currently Interested in replicating this experiment for testing against water and salt water to see how it stands up to that, and for how long, as well as for UV Radiation exposure, to determine the breakdown timeline for composting applications. Any information along these lines as far as previous research already conducted or where to buy the supplies to reproduce the same outcome would be much appreciated. Google Search showed not what I was looking for.

  8. You can injection mold this actually if you make the hemp mat preformed then vacuum seal it and pull the resin into fully saturation the hemp you can make any shape as long as you place the mat in before

  9. wich material would be nice to too use to make the material as hard as possible ?
    i saw videos where hemp is used with lime for house building.

  10. This is similar to Hempwood created by a company in Kentucky USA. They compress Hemp into panels and beams and then seal it all in using a Soy based resin.
    Basically what you are doing is fibre glassing but using hemp instead of glass fibre and natural resins to glue it together instead of epoxy polyester.

  11. Hello. How do you make any seaweed plastic or hemp seaweed plastic waterproof and heat resistant and strong enough to use as a construction material?

  12. @Robert Murray-Smith
    Love your videos and guides. I am doing a Masters Architecture course with a conceptual project revolving around seaweed. If you have time I would love to get your expertise and input for viable material mixes, their properties and any samples.

  13. Robert, I really appreciate you posting this. I would like to learn your recipe in hopes of taking it to the next level. I am starting a hemp farm and processing company and would love to hear your advice on the plant itself as I am young, passionate but inexperienced.

    This plant will change the world.

  14. How heavy would this be compared to wood? I’m considering trying to manufacture a skateboard made of this material. I’d love anybody’s input on this subject and will pay for your time/advice assuming it’s well informed. Thanks!

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