CBD OIL Is it OK for Christians to use? Click to find out!

We discuss the topic of is it okay for Christians to use CBD oil in this video!


  1. I think you should know for the most part thc does not make you “trip” or “hallucinate” in super hi doses it can in a way possibly touch that realm but doesn’t fall under the category of a “hallucinogenic” like LSD OR mushrooms. Bring hi on thc definitely alters your perceptions but just to sound like you know what you’re talking about when referring to thc maybe don’t used terms like “trip” or “hallucinate” because that’s what psychedelic drugs do.

  2. I don't have peace about it all, a Christian friend just admitted they've been taking it for anxiety. Now I have suffered from more than my fair share of anxiety and depression as well, but if one is using something like this for anxiety, isn't that dealing with the symptoms rather than dealing with the core issue? Maybe and it's a big maybe, you could use something like this temporarily, but this friend has been struggling with anxiety for many years now, it just doesn't sit right with me at all, especially as there are obvious causes of the anxiety in her life that could be fixed, but aren't being addressed. I'm going to be sensitive in what I say to her either way, because she's my friend after all, but yeah, I'm torn!

  3. Good video. My question has always been, why do “Christians” so readily run to remedies or any worldly “treatment” before running to the true Healer? This seems to be a real issue; people calling themselves Christians but running to the answers of the world, rather than running to Jesus and having faith in prayer and the Holy Spirit. I’m not saying certain types of treatments are necessarily sin, but why are we relying more in the creation than the Creator? At what point do we stop playing God and allow him to be God? Or at what point do we stop bending and shaping God’s standards to fit our lifestyle or lack of faith?

  4. I am 17 yr old i have disscused this with my parents but they think its weed but like i have alot of problems with anxeity and i wanna stop taking pills

  5. I’m certainly not the one to judge but as for me and my house instead of encouraging the use of CBD oil
    We will stick with the holy spirit and praying over our illnesses and realize that these present day sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that we will see in heaven should we ENDURE till the end as the bible teaches

    Praying for your wisdom and strength through Christ Jesus

    The way the truth and the life I would rather side with Christ than err with you

  6. Dont be deceived, there IS THC in it.. just low amounts. And it may not get you HIGH but it definitely makes way for Satan to target you in your mind because it does alter your perception! Say you're watching television while under it's influence. Whatever is going on within TV land CAN and MAY effect the ones who are weaker in the faith. Television promotes so many secular things, ideas, approaches to life. If you are under this influence of CBD.. it may steer your ship in relation to your walk by faith. I've messed with it many times and I've found it usually leads me back to wanting to do it again because I get bored with reality. Then, while using CBD my mind transitions ever so slightly to the point where I become a slight bit lazy and I think more detailed about things. I believe (my personal opinion on all of this) that if you can't live sober with God trying to live with Him under the influence of CBD is much worst. Satan will deceive us that much easier. It takes one to know one. I've lived the high life. I used to smoke marijuana before giving my life fully over to God. When I messed around with CBD it brought back to my attention the many ways the mind can be influenced by thoughts and CBD will alter your thoughts. Consider you are out and about with your friends as a Christian. You take CBD. Next thing you know you are feeling influenced by their behaviors because you are not sober. Your mind is pushing forth thoughts that are less controllable and your friends are going full swing in with a fleshly approach to living.. well.. guess what.. you may likely find yourself trapped. Sounds lame? been through it many times! I personally think CBD oil is good for people who absolutely need it. Who are in pain that CBD oil can help. The reality is though that most of us don't really need it.

  7. I came because I have stress in my life and its caused severe physical difficulties. I ended up in the hospital twice . its awful and I wanted to start using it just to relax me, without the thc. I don't want to get high just relax they put me on antidepressants and I dont want to take them and get addicted to them. And I agree, its a plant and theres no thc . I don't see a problem with it.

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