Cure Cancer with Hemp Oil?

It doesn’t take a super hereo to end hunger. Just dedication to helping our communities, …


  1. I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in the treatment of cancer “if not by the government and there so called rules to regulate cannabis my dad would still have been Dr Rick email {} Thanks to the new policy of legalizing cannabis in my state and have even lost my son kidney, and it was really shocked and surprised when I see a lot of documentary on how the cannabis oil had helped many people to whom His family thought they never could do next undergoing several “Chemo” from the department of my heart, and I have to say a word of appreciation to Mr Rick Simpson for timely intervention in the lives of my son suffering from kidney cancer. As I write this testimony in this blog my son is so strong and healthy even though he have not completed the total dosage “for cannabis and medical consultation opportunity and get in touch with him if you are a cancer patient through their email: ( so you can get more details.

  2. Story doesn't add up and furthermore way too soon for her to be claiming to be cured. It's only been a matter of months by her own admission. AND have you verified that she is even telling the complete truth

  3. “I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America i was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: or call him on +17072771047

  4. This young lady is calling this Hemp oil.. Does anyone know if she actually used Hemp oil or Cannabus oil? I really wish people wouldn't argue about these things! What's the point of arguing with others on this subject. The whole point is, there is something out there that is curing people!

  5. Hemp Seed Oil 700 mg
    700 mg | 60 Softgels/ Hemp Seed Oil (Cold Pressed)
    16 fl oz (473 mL) Bottle// waiting for it show up at my door 😛

  6. i love this truth thank you two for getting the real truth out to the world ..we have to keep getting this info out ..pass it on download video before they are gone..god has always given us his cures plants seeds herbs trees .the poison is man made

  7. You cant get baked, so to speak, on hemp, as there is hardly any THC, very very little from what I read.. So maybe she is using Cannibis oil, I wish she was clear on what she actually used… Ok she just mentioned the 60gr regiment, which I'm positive if the cannibis oil.

  8. Yes, huge oversight on hemp or cannibis, I wish folks would be clear on what ppl are using. THere is also a HUGE difference in the cost of hemp cbd oil and cannabis oil….. She's laughing alot so im not 100% sure I'm buying this whole story. If its true , I'm glad for her….. HEMP oil and cannibis oil arent the same. The main diff is one has THC… Thanks for the video and goodluck to this gal …

  9. Good night to every body. I need a help, assistance, to guide me where I can buy HEMP OIL, I saw this at you tube RUN FROM THE CURE – THE RICK SIMPSON STORY. I consider this is alternative medicine for my Mom. Her Doctor gave Prescription to buy at Pharmaceutical company 1 bottle 30 tablets cost 1000 USD and she will used it as her maintenance. Imagine 1000 USD every month. I am only a Overseas Filipino Worker, I don't own company, to be honest I cannot afford sustain her medicine. If I keep thinking about it I felt I will had a Cancer too. My Mom is 67 years old, diagnose recently had a Lungs Cancer stage 4. I and my brother were so desperate to find a way pro long the life of my Mom. We all know that cancer is NO CURE but after watching about HEMP OIL, I believe my Mom will get better with this plus our prayers for her. My Mom told me why all these things need to happen to her while she saying this she is crying heavily. She said I had eye sight problem cause of GLAUCOMA, why I still need to suffer Lungs Cancer. I tried to showed to her on Skype I am strong but deeply my heart pounding, I want to cry and shout. I told her Mom only God knows why all these things happening to us. Let's stay strong, hold on, believe on him, he is just testing our Faith.Were here to support you and we love you so much.Again anyone can gave me suggestion, idea's where I can buy HEMP OIL.Lord, gave us right person can guide us.Kindly share this or report on your timeline, might be on this way by social media my message will went to right person.Thanks,
     Jay D. Soneja

  10. Please stop using the word "Hemp" it is misleading cancer patients who is trying to get better. Hemp oil ain't gonna do any good for them it's the cannabis oil that does the job.

  11. GMO Foods Cause CANCER + read WAVEgenetic + БЕСПЛОДИЕ Советую читать "Энциклопедию умного сыроедения" Гладков С.М. ( в 1части книги дана информация о ГМО) + "Лингвистико-волновой геном" Гаряев, "Семена разрушения" Уильяма Энгдаля + "Что мы едим?…" Ермакова И.В., а также док. фильмы "Мир согласно Монсанто" (2008г.) и "Трансгенизация" (2007г.)

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