Instant Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain Relief – Try Dr. Berg's Facial Pain Treatment

Take Dr. Berg’s Advanced Evaluation Quiz: In this video, Dr. Berg talks about trigeminal neuralgia pain and …


  1. I am definitely going to try what you recommend regarding the instant trigeminal neuralgia. I am a bit at a loss as I have described the symptoms to my GP but he does not know what to do with it. That is why I
    ended up with you Dr. Berg.

  2. I went to a chiropractor and he pinched this nerve and the pain comes and goes and is always unbearable. This has been the only thing that helps bedsides going to my trusted chiropractor (a different one than the one that did this).

  3. Do you do this just when you have the pain to relieve it or is it something you can do daily to prevent the attacks from occuring. I initially had this happen after hitting my head really hard and it was happening perodically quite frequently at that point where I had to take medication but finally through TMJ exercises and Accupuncture it went away. Then came back again during the covid semi lockdown but just every once in a while and maybe for about two or three weeks and then it went away. About a week ago I started having occasional attacks that are very painful but only every once in a while and I can't figure out what triggers them. Is there anything that one can do that will make them go away permanently so you don't have to worry that they might start up even more frequently and for longer periods of time. IS this trigger point on the opposite side only good for when you get one to stop it or or there points to work on daily tht will stop them from occuring?

  4. Please explain WHY the opposite side treatment works… you recommend it but dont explain WHY its effective. I will consult Trigger Point Therapy self help book tonight afyer work.

  5. Thank you. I just searched for this and found it, just now trying it. TN is shockingly horrible. I pray this method works. I can't even touch the lower part of the left side of my face.

  6. Dr.Berg, for 12 years I have been visiting the neurologist, same, MRI(nothing there), take Tylenol and nothing! Then, you said wisdom tooth removal, and it clicked! Years years ago… my wisdom tooth (2) were removed and I asked to inject me double anestesia, I didn’t want to feel any pain and the anestesiologer did. Ever since that time, My problem starte, but could not associate my pain if trigéminas neuralgia with this procedure. Now, I know, it is that which caused this problem.

  7. Hi Dr Berg, can anything be done for a severed nerve, my sister had laser eye surgery and they severed a nerve in her eye, she as excruciating facial pain and is suicidal and has been told she has to learn to live with it. Can severed nerves be healed or joined back together? They first thought it was trigeminal neuralgia but it had actually been cut/severed.

  8. I just started experiencing this excruciating pain last year. This year feels like a cannon ball is hitting my face and it has awakened me out of my sleep.

    I have had MS since 97' but TN is worse than the side effects of my MS injections.

  9. I Watch all your videos with a huge interest. Here regarding the trigeminal pain, it is way more complex. First the trigeminal pain caused by a trauma is not a neuralgia but a neuropathy. I have been injured during a dental implant surgery. Great readings are publications from Prof Tara Renton or Benoliel. Once it’s from an injury, specialists refuse any surgery. The healing of the trigeminal nerve is often going through a process of ephapse( anarchic fibers reconnection) . Nothing… absolutely nothing works, from morphine to anti epileptic… I am an osteopath so I avoid drugs whenever I can… for neuropathy, especially when severe ( anesthesia dolorosa) , nothing manages it. I believe that for neuralgia though, following a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting might be extremely helpful as it will help to avoid blood vessels enlargement and therefore will avoid nerve compression…

  10. This is amazing! I am awake and in agony,…felt like I almost wanted to go to the ER due to being unable to cope with the pain tonight. I was working on the pain side and I literally just did what you said and the pain is barely noticeable within 5 minutes to where I can sleep. I’m in shock. Thank you. I am seriously in shock❤

  11. Dr. I have had this disease for 5 years and I have consulted many doctors but there are no signs of improvement. Then I visit planet ayurveda for treatment now I am in good condition.

  12. Dr. What do you do when your having the earaches? Which mine are constant. 14 years ago I was physically abused and my abuser loved to smack me hard with a cupped open hand over my ears. That and strangling me.

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