This Is One Of The Most Important Factors to Maintain Success In Fitness | Mind Pump 2086

00:00 Mind Pump Fit Tip: How you ENJOY the workout is just as IMPORTANT as the workout itself. 08:44 Does your DNA …


  1. As a 23 year old man, I greatly appreciate the life lessons y’all give on a Daily basis. You’ve truly helped me in my physical, emotional, and relationship. Thank you mindpump. I’d love to try your programs some day with my girlfriend

  2. @Adam, If you like "Never split the difference", you will love "Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills" by Dr. Steven Novella. I know it sounds like a boring academic read, but it's not, it is just as fascinating as "Never split the difference". This book teaches you how to make good solid decisions on a daily basis and the way human beings think. For instance, in the world of internet fitness influencers, how do you know that your advise is accurate and that most of these other influencers are complete bunk? It teaches you how to come to these decisions. It's on audiobooks also, it's a great driving book.

  3. I'm training a few people right now. I appreciate all the knowledge you guys drop on the show and I'm looking forward to integrating some of your programs into my training. Thanks for the continuous mind expansion!

  4. I have a question, I am using myfitnesspal to track my calories. Every time I workout, it says that I need to eat more. Should I do this or stick to my baseline. For example my daily base is 2553 calories. I worked out yesterday for 1½ hours and it said I need to eat 3799 calories. I would really like to have your opinion. I asked the local trainer at the gym and he didn't have a straight answer.

  5. Totally agree with everything you said. Even the thought or the mindset shift from seeing working out as a chore to seeing it as something that will improve me really made me stay consistent and love going to the gym. Now, I can't imagine myself not working out. I hate rest days now HAHA

  6. Group fitness classes might not be Mind Pumps’ first choice, but they’re not all bad. Certain classes with choreographed movements can incredible for brain health, participants can get themselves into that flow state… Moving together in a room, heart rate elevated, synchronizing as one to music can be an incredible experience. Kelly McGonigal who wrote The Joy of Movement speaks about this.

  7. You guys keep reminding me to be patient and present with my child. I am a stay at home mom with a 2.5 year old, and the days are long, but I know the years will fly by, and be gone sooner than I want. Great reminder!

  8. You guys are great parents and that was some amazing advice for people out there. Make the most of your relationship with your kids because you won’t realize how fast it goes by!

  9. You’re beautiful, manly dads! Top quality In Health & Fitness!!! Y’all got me out of the Q depression!!! Just another expression of gratitude for your content! 🙏🏻

  10. Saw a previous clip mentioning Bodybuilding with more muscle mass had less chances of dying from cancer. Curious if you guys have come across any articles that have helped people with nerve issues? Have a family member who experience nerve spells and shocks. Wondering if any programs would help?

  11. I love how you give real and practical advice. Putting in practice what you preach helped me lose body fat and keep it off and feel the healthiest I have in years. Thank you!

  12. Every episode I am amazed by all of the seemingly natural flowing content, but I find myself listening to all of it. Great discussions about everything… diet, exercise, and life.

  13. Hey Guys, love the show. Question for you: I've been training my wife and she currently eats around 1800 calories a day, does weight training 3-4 times a week, averages about 14k-15k steps a day. We haven't seen the scale move in about a month but clothes are fitting better and strength is increasing. She really wants to see that scale move, should I convince her to stay the course as she is seeing results outside the scale or should I go ahead and bring her down to 1600 calories and increase to 17k steps a day so we can see some progress on the scale? Thanks fellas

  14. You’re a SUPER awesome show!
    I’m a SUPER huge fan! &
    I’d be SUPER appreciative of this bundle!😉

    P.S I recap your MP TV show episodes regularly for your technique tips, love the No BS abs series

  15. Started listening to MP before kids bc of a back pain I had the day I turned 30. Now I’m turning 35 in August with two kiddos. Listen/watch for the dad advise, fitness tips and all around great content. *Tom Segura voice* I appreciate you mfs 😂

  16. Thank you, Mindpump! Anabolic Advanced has been life-changing for my progress—in and out of the gym! Here’s to another day of consistent gains! 💪🙏❤️

  17. Honestly. I think THE most valuable thing outta MP (to me anyway) is that you guys are all genuinely great guys & proud, loving family men. I came here for the fitness info to help with my muscle building journey, but ended up staying for every single upload – allowing me to learn life lessons that in all honesty, I never got chance to when growing up. Thank you for everything you do.

  18. Your discussion of whether DNA should determine what program you do reminds me of the QUAH question I asked this weekend. I proposed that for some people (if not ALL people), there is a style of training to which they will always respond best, and a style of training with which they may never get great results. For example, someone may never get results from heavy lifting and low reps, but may get great results from light weight and higher reps. I'm not suggesting that such a person should never do the high weight / low reps style of training, just that it may not yield great results. Do you think this is possible (if not probable)?

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