24 hours on Keppra

Katie and kody are happy so I am happy. Please subscribe to support this channel instagram: priscillayoshida #keppra #seizures …


  1. Hello! Thank you for watching this video. This was a very vulnerable moment in my life that I wanted to share with others experiencing similar side effects of taking Keppra. I hope this video resonates with you to some degree. I am made a follow up video regarding an update on my keppra dosage and how I managing. Please feel free to also watch this video in sequence with this video. I would also to hear your thoughts on this subject. I like to organize data/opinions in the comment section to form educated thoughts about Keppa as a mitigator to seizure treatment.

    To watch living on 4,000 mg of Keppra a day, please click the link below:

  2. Guys, ask your neurologist abt briviact, a substitute for keppra with much less psychiatriac side effects. Its only problem is that it s more expensive💕

  3. I understand how you felt. I hate keppra. I'm in the process of weaning off. I have had no seizures in 22 years. The doctors want me off of it. God bless you. I hope you're on a better medication now.

  4. Keppra sucks! I have been taking it for the pass 15 years 2000 mg a day along with lamictal those together work ok! As lamictal treat also bio polar disorders (I don’t have it, but help epilepsy) Right now I’m try to get rid of, bz makes me depressed n constipated, I had try 2 other to replace but after 3 days taking whatever my doctor prescribe me, I feel dope , right now I just started taking onfi in which is super strong it’s actually a narcotic, what I like about it is that helps me to sleep, as keppra give me insomnia 😫 so I always wake up tire with onfi I also noticed my mood is better, but now the downside is that I feel very tired and part of my lower lip is kinda numb, so ones more have to call the Neu, n What will be my third choice but Keppra needs to go!! My other issue is that I’m super allergic to all this meds, so I can’t take just one med!
    Didn’t hear you mention what are you taking it for, but if it is for epilepsy, ask your doctor to mix it with Lamictal and I think you will do much better than just Keppra itself
    Best of luck

  5. Do you live by yourself? I have epilepsy and am just starting to try and be more independent and get my own flat. Would be great if you could reply

  6. Do you notice or think that for the first like 24/sometimes 48 hours after you have a seizure, you’re still not completely yourself? Or do you think these are effects from the Keppra?
    I noticed when I get my focal seizures, sometimes worse than other times, I feel very drowsy, lots of anxiety like you’re saying, guilt, sadness, I cry soo much, zero energy. I feel like I always feel like that after the fact, for at least 24 hours.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing this.
    I just recently was diagnosed with focal seizures (in my left frontal lobe) they prescribed me Keppra and i honestly feel so nervous to take it because I hear so often how it can basically change you- causes mood swings, anger, basically a lot of different emotional issues.
    Granted it’s different for everyone- I’m still scared😞
    Not only that but I am pregnant with my second child. I see you’re now pregnant, congratulations!! 🫶🏼
    Are you still taking the Keppra while pregnant? Thats another thing I’m worried about

  8. Keppra 6 years plus just need to take it. U eventually get use to it eventually. I hit a exercise routine morning time to rev the engine.

    Over time u settle with the emotional swings. Took 5 months here but it is a very good pill to stop my episodes.

  9. Thank you gor sharing. I am going through the exact same emotions on Keppra. My neurologist prescribed vitamin b6 to help with the mood swings it seems to help some. I'm praying for all of us who are going through this. It's difficult to live with.

  10. When your speaking. I can hear the anxiety its what I sound like when I have anxiety. I choose to drink alcohol for it. Recently just got put on prozac again and gabapentin hopefully helps 1st day back on it after 4 yrs. Just tired of using alcohol daily to live. I understand anxiety but never had a seizure before must be scary would give me a panic attack too. Hope everything is better now.

  11. I'm so sorry for what you are dealing with. I was taking Keppra for 1400mg a day, 700mg in the morning, 700mg at night. It made me very depressed and like a zombie. But I quit, and I had severe depression and anger with anxiety. I really hope you are doing better now. I have decided to try the natural route, and I have found some amazing information that I have been using to fight this. So good I'm going to write a book if I'm successful. I want to help others who have had to go through this. No one should have to go through this. They want to put me on Vimpat, and I will of I have another seizure. But I'm hopeful that I found the solution.

  12. I’m starting 1000mg of Keppra tonight! Was on Dilantin and Zonisamide for years! I’m nervous to start something new but it’ll be for the best! ❤❤❤ I have seizures almost every night!

  13. They just put me on keppra 1000mg, and my experience isn't this. I mean yeah it makes me drowzy but I don't run my day based on my feelings, I just get up and go, that's how I've always been. Anyone who's watching this, I suggest you do not do what these people are doing. You cannot act according to how you "FEEL", you gotta just get up and do what you gotta do. The mind will follow shortly after.

  14. I understand exactly how you feel because i go through the same struggle when i get a epilepsy attack and have to take keppra medication i debilitates you where you don't want to do anything but sleep i take 1000mg 2 times a day 7 days a week it's frustrating.

  15. I see how hard this is for you..As a person myself with anxiety issues I would suggest that you use only decaffeinated products because caffeine will only make your anxiety and symptoms worse..Good luck! I hope you feel better soon

  16. Thank you for your videos. I take 1400mg twice daily. It makes me drowsy too, which is hard in the morning when I need to hit the road and get to work.

  17. This is the reason why I changed my Medication 💊 my parents and my Neurologist had a talk during one of my follow ups and she was able to change my medication because when I was on the keppra I was still having cluster Seizures and I was having horrible Axciety attacks so not only did my Neurologist have me start a new medication Zonisomide she and my Oncologist had a talk aswell and they both have me take a 2nd medication that’s fizzy water but the zonisomide controlls seizures and I haven’t had a seizure for a year after changing meds

  18. I completely under stand honey. I'm on keppraa. It's an emotional roller-coaster. I has on Dilantin for awhile which made me want to jump off the roof of my house. Both are so draining on your soul and mind. You don't feel like your even inside our body. Ask for another medication. Keppra causes a phenomenon called Kepp rage….were u can become very angry. ….thats what it does to me. I pray you feel better soon. Love from. TEXAS

  19. I take 1,500mg in the morning every 12 hours also 100 mg Lacosamide twice too and I feel like 💩. Headache and I bite so hard that my teeth hurts, I feel anxiety, like you crying for anything😢. My life change so much after I am taking this pills. I also lost so many pounds because I don’t get hungry much. I pass out March 25, got a craniotomy on March 30 because of a cavernous malformation I had and my life change forever. Sometimes I am OK and many times I am sad. One thing I can tell you I am not letting this pills controlling my life no matter how I feel I go and do what I have to do, falling to sleep but I do it and I try not to cry. 😢

  20. I was given Keppra after having seizures brought on from removing a massive brain tumor. i don't have seizures but am still on a high dose I guess because of the hydrocephalus but im not a doctor. I've been researching why I get so irritable at random times.

  21. This video and comment section made me cry out YES! Holy moly the constant explanations to non epileptics makes me so frustrated because they never will understand the pain of not being able to control your emotions while you're trying to battle an "invisible" condition. I also take 2 doses of 1000 mg and the severe rage and wanting to scream are real! Thank you for sharing your experience and I pray all for everyone and you to conquer epilepsy! 💜 We will get through this everyone!

  22. R.i.p mama you rest easy ill see you soon your life was beautiful & you were loved & cherished no matter what u may think Please Priscilla's family if you could let me know when her funeral is id like to contribute i love you you gave me so much hope Rest in peace Priscilla❤

  23. I've been on keffra for a bit for my essential tremor. You need to give it time. Don't beat yourself about it. I'm on anti depressants as well for 20 years. I write which helps. Everyone's different with meds. Walking is amazing. Try CBT therapy is always good to talk to a social worker. You don't need to be sorry. I go through the same kind of emotions get so angry at nearly can't sleep sometimes. Thank you for sharing. You're not alone.

  24. I am a mom of a child. I have been on 3,000mg of brand name Keppra XR for 15 years.

    In all seriousness, I cried at this. I have felt like the most neglectful and horrible mother for my child's entire life. I am seizure-free but at what cost?

    Keppra was relatively new when I was pregnant 18 years ago. UCB had me reporting my pregnancy on the medication since it didn't even have a rating yet.

    No other medication combo works to control my seizures. My Neuro has tried them all. I truly wish you the best of luck if you still are on this medication. It has cost me my sanity and many friendships.

    All the best.

  25. Keppra for me has worked better than the meds I was on before I tried 3 other meds before I found Keppra now I've settled in at 2 -500 mg tablets a day and my seizure activity has been reduced significantly and the side effects on this medication is little to none all the meds I tried before this gave me severe side effects thank God for Keppra it has worked wonders for me

  26. My advice for you is to consult your Doctor. If this medication doesn't help you tell the doctor. Taking B6 is good but consult your doctor before anything. Try to maintain yourself active. I recently started taking Keppra. I was feeling drowsy and out of it. Went out took a walk went to the park.

  27. I have been on Keppra 500mg twice a day, and it was the same way with me. I was also taking 5 other medications along with Keppra. I have told my doctors that I WILL NOT take Keppra! It made me all messed up, or it combined with the other medicines I was taking for epilepsy! Sometimes you just have to say NO! Good luck with your journey of epilepsy! God Bless!

  28. Thanks for your video. I just got diagnosed with epilepsy yesterday and I will be given keppra soon. I was so anxious and worried about the side effects and things in general.

  29. I am a law student from India. I am 24 and ever since i took the Covid vaccine, i am facing a neurological issue called as Palinopsia. Many doctors have dismissed my claims. I read somewhere that Keppra can cure my problem. But after watching your video, i think i should not take it and look for something else 🙏

  30. Ohh
    Maybe this disease will make you take care of yourself more… Every person has a bug in something in his life.. In the end we are human beings, so keep going.. take care for your self more❤️

    I love you 💋❤️

  31. I'm sorry you're going through all that. Please take the time and get yourself a medical marijuana card so you can be prescribed CBD oil. You will feel so much better. Bless you.

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