veterinary #dogs #seizures In this video I react to an episode of Bondi Vet where Dr. Danni’s own dog “Bear” develops epilepsy.


  1. You’re back!!! I love the new set up!! Great video breakdown!! Will the podcast be making a come back too? I know the Cellini’s are busy with babies but thought I would still ask. My husband and I will be up in your neck of the woods beginning of August!! 2 nights in Providence and 3 nights in Boston!! 😁 We can’t wait!!

  2. Great video Doctor. Glad you're back to doing youtube vids. I thought the "swallowing tongue" myth was a local myth from my country but I see it's a widespread belief, I wonder how it originated, almost all people with no medical knowledge that I've met think it's true.

  3. Thank you for this content!!! Very informative, and so relevant for me right now. My 2-year-old cat was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy exactly one week ago after a few focal and grand mal seizures in the days prior. He started phenobarbital last week – so far so good and he hasn't had any more seizures!

  4. As a tech, anything going wrong with my pets always stresses me out the most! My judgement is always cloudy until my emotions settle down.🥴😂

  5. Good video with good information. Glad to see you making videos again. Hope that means we will see a brothers podcast soon?

  6. Can you shed any light on different labs, referral centres, and in house blood analysers having different therapeutic dose ranges for serum phenobarb levels? Are they using different testing methods meaning reference ranges are relevant only to results from that lab, or is there just no clear consensus on what serum levels should be for good control? It seems like different sources are picking a random range anywhere from 15-45mcg/mL. I'm currently finding level checking significantly less useful than seizure frequency… Many thanks.

  7. Only reason i know alot about seizures like this is because, our oldest cat ended up having multiple seizures at home because of a blood clot on the same day, so we sadly couldnt do anything about it and had to put him down. This situation caused me to look into seizures, and what the causes could be for them, and what to do. just so im ready if whenever my current pets have them. 😊

  8. I watch Bondi Vet all the time, I am also a veterinary Technician, there are several neuro comes, in there is also a episode of IVDD, and in ER, i see a lot of Post ictal patents, some are one and done seizing, and others are repeated grand mals, as well as absent siezing, I have also recently seen twitching and tremoring more recently as well

  9. Very informative and a good Epilepsy 101 video, thank you!! I have an epi-pup so I can totally empathize with just how traumatic it is to watch, even though my dog isn't in pain during the episodes themselves. While support groups are nice in figuring out next steps (I was given very helpful advice to ask my vet for a neuro specialist referral), they are also filled with anecdotal absolutes like "never do this" "always do that".

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