Neuroscientist Explains How Weed Can MELT Your Brain

Neuroscientist andrew huberman on cannabis causing many different problems like psychosis, schizophrenia & bipolar …


  1. "Neuroscientist" HA. I believe what I see, not what people say and based on my extensive personal experience with smoking it and other people that smoke it, this is a load of bollocks. Vaping it I'd agree with is bad, but THC in itself is not. Vaping has done nothing but harm honestly, both to health and common decency… like you can't even stand in a queue nowadays without getting a face of vape smoke from some idiot.

  2. Lmao reading all these comments from people who all think suddenly they are medical experts. Half those big medical words you are using you don't even know what they mean. Its so hilarious the average person now can diagnose themselves. No need for you doctors. Screw medical school right next pandemic yall won't be lined up at some test facility when you know the science better than they do. Do yourselves a favor leave the medical advice for the real experts

  3. I had psychosis last year after using edibles at age 37. Spent 2 months in a mental hospital. I always thought I just had depression. Turns out I had undiagnosed bipolar but my hypomanic/manic states had never reached psychosis until I did the edibles. I almost wish I had done marijuana when I was younger so maybe I could have gotten the diagnosis then.

  4. Not a single word in this propaganda video is true. Sponsored by big pharma cuz they want you hooked on their synthetic sh!t pills instead.

    Then in this video they talk positive about nicotine which is a neurotoxin. What a hilarious piece of propaganda this crap video is.

  5. So, basically your telling us, Doc, if we want to eat all the sugar we crave, but just tell ourselves it's a diet shake, our body will respond to our thought rather than to the actual sugar content in our blood? Isn't that like saying, my high-sugar drink IDENTIFIES as a diet drink?!

  6. My buddies uncle smokes LARGE amounts of weed including dabs that would put the average person out of commission. He has spent time when he was younger in an institution. I can say without a doubt that he smoked himself silly.

  7. Well, I had my psychosis schizophrenic episode 12 years ago.
    It was caused by paranoia and the worry of the government and cops watching my ass… weed wasnt legal then.
    Now it's legal, 0 paranoia, 0 fucks given to the government or to the police. 0 schizophrenic episodes. So was it really the cannabis?
    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚The Harry Potter music๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    F*ck having more then 2 drinks a week. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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