Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explains how certain habits, like mouth breathing, can decrease attractiveness of men and …


  1. If you take a closer look at the picture of the twins, you will notice is the same picture with some photoshopping of the jaws, nose eyes. However the hair positioning is exactly the same to the hair strand. Come on, use some real photos instead of misleading.

  2. I mean I've been trying this forever but I just can't breathe through my nose. Allergies+bad nasal structure

    Food barely matters tho. Most people in my country eat hard af food

  3. 7-27-2023 – – – – Your genetics determine the positions of your teeth, not whether you mouth breathe or not. If your teeth mesh/match correctly for chewing, then your jaw is correctly shaped for dental occlusion (maxillary and mandibular match at rest or when chewing). If the positions of your teeth prevent dental occlusion you should see your dentist for braces or corrective surgery, and stop coming to places like this guy in this video for some stupid rant about mouth breathing as a child. This video is just nonsense. Also, if you have sleep apnea, get a sleep study done by a polysomnographer (I was a sleep-study tech while in medical school) for analysis of the particular kind of apnea you have: obstructive or central. Ongoing sleep apnea can lead to congestive heart failure. Stop coming to this youtube site for medical advice.

  4. Ok just to clarify , the hard food are not meat or bones (it is stupid to think that people were chewing bones, they were only breaking the bone with something, after having cooked the animal, and drink the broth from the middle of the bone) , but the hard foods are raw vegetables and fruits. Chew your beetle-root, your carrots, not cook them, chew your dense dark (whole grain ) bread, chew your leafy green vegetables, that is the majority of your hard foods, you do not want to do anything stupid that will destroy your enamel.

  5. While everything is true about mouth breathing effecting your facial structure… Those so called "twins" that they showed a photo of is BS, those photos are fake or one of them is. Look at the hair, the hair on both of them is Exactly the same, every hair is in the exact same spot… Look at the sideburns for a start, it is a photoof the same person & an editedphotoof the same person…!!!

  6. This observation about people who eat more solid or hard foods growing up have better teeth structure is perhaps only partially correct. The main reason why so many people have fucked up teeth, is because are jaws have become smaller over time and there is not enough room for all the teeth to fit. That is why wisdom teeth are taken out in most cases to create more space. In fact, it is an evolutionary thing because about 20 – 30% of caucasians no longer grow all or some wisdom teeth. Almost 100% of Asians do not grow any wisdom teeth.

  7. Dude sounds like he is Full of Sh*t in the first minute, people have no B.S. filter anymore, 50% are just plain stupid. This Country is circling the drain folks. We should have adopted Eugenics, it's too late now.

  8. thanks for making this video! I now chew on bones daily. yet to get my own supply so I have to share with the dog but I'm really seeing some development in my chin area! who knew it was this easy to look so good! :3

  9. Consumer Capitalism everyone. Create a need where it is not needed then get all the nodding dogs and paid grifters to talk bollox and pseudo shite science, package it towards people who I’m am sure have lots of genuine issues, anxiety depression and whatnot, give them a quick shallow fix and presto changeo you are rolling in dough. God Bless America. That is all.

  10. I read about the fact you breath in more air though your nose than your mouth and no one would believe me. But if you are running out of breath going up stairs, shut your mouth and just breathe with your nose. You'll notice a difference immediately.

  11. Thank god that my parents took me to an orthodontist. He saved the upper part of my face with an expander. My chin is weak but luckily I have a beard to cover that up.

  12. I always chewed gum in high school I also didn't talk a lot so my mouth was always closed but I was also very active in my formative years running around all day. I'm definitely a fatty now but I don't breath through my mouth and never had problems breathing at night and never snore. I don't have wide chiseled jaws my face is flat the only thing sticking forward is my nose and chin my teeth are all straight besides 1 that's kind of twisted. Dentist said that I have a very small mouth, which I do.

  13. In the past if your teeth were no good you couldn't eat properly and you would likely die. Teeth cut and molars liquify fruits and vegetables and meat.

  14. Up really upset now thst at 13, the dentist and orthodontist had 4 of my teeth removed, 2 upper and 2 lower and then braces. Im pissed about that. I had really nice teeth, but now in my 50's ive been losing teeth, all 4 bttom molars are now gone. Cannot chew anything hard, and my front top teeth are getting ground down, and ive had art least 4 root canals on my upper teeth, and cavities constantly even i take care of my teeth, the cavities and rotting, spaces between. Im not happy. Im gonna age like milk now. I dont know if im a mouth breather during sleep, but i must be. I often wake with a dry mouth and thtoat. I do nose breath during the day though. 😢

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