Sydney council faces criticism for CBD petrol tax

Sydney motorists and business owners are calling for their city council to reconsider its move introducing a petrol tax for CBD …


  1. The only ones that can afford an EV are the rich so this tax is effectively decreasing the amount of poor people on the road so the rich can have an easier commute.

  2. supply chain collapse as droughts likely caused by weather modification are causing the wheat supply to crumble at historic levels not seen in 100 years. While it WAS seen 100 years ago, this will likely be far worse. Couple a collapse of the wheat supply with targeted attacks on farmers throughout the world, inflation, a manufactured energy crisis and insane climate policies and you will get a bigger picture of how massive this collapse will be. This is all meant to force us into a CBDC and carbon credits. This is essentially THE Great subhuman Reset.

  3. WEAPONIZED weather deployed to cause FAMINE and collapse.
    Terminator MRNA seeds.
    Elon Musk will save us from AI with his brain chips.

    Weather Modification and Geoengineering Plan to Reduce the Population.

    These weapons of geopolitical terrorism (HAARP) will be able to mold the climate change narrative and bend Countries to the will of the New Eugenics World Order as the target date of UN Agenda 2030 draws nigh.

    (Bio digital convergence
    Stratospheric airosole injection )

  4. self appointed transhumanist globalist psychopathic eugenicists cult (criminal cartel regime) are
    at war with logic and biological reality.

    Medical soft ki.. and sterility.
    -Global depopulation Plan for World Peace.
    -Manipulated & induced death.

  5. One party social government.
    Termination of nation state.
    Sustainable development goal / plan = controllable, manageable, predictable,
    traceable, surveyable, trackable, total social control of the populace.
    Sustainable for the globalist eugenicists cult only.
    Domestic terrorism is someone that disagrees with the globalist eugenicists cult agenda.

    GLOBAL CARBON TAX IMMINENT! – Digital ID To Be Attached To Your Bank Account!
    Covert management of perception through fear and handing over your rights and bodily autonomy.
    Laying the groundwork how the population thinks and assaulting them with mental artillery.

  6. So Basically there will be cameras set up in all roads coming into the CBD and they will detect number plates, mobile phone use , seatbelts and who knows what else and charge the driver a fee.
    There is so much wrong with this and Sydneysiders need to fight this as hard as they can

  7. Sydney business is suffering as it is and they want to raise the cost of business more! Labor are brain dead. When the Western Sydney airport opens Sydney's finished!

  8. Make it $5.00 a litre and push these people into public transport as they should be using. Make the electricity for charging cars the same and take all subsidies away from the vehicles.

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