1. I ordered those nasal strips. A game changer for me. For straight week I didn't wake up single time during the night.
    If in very unlikely situation we ever meet each other pints are on me.

  2. loved your concept of close the loop today, then I seen what you where heading towards the objective idea of when you hit 1 mill followers on Instagram, Tick tock short, downer, solution, it so easy, always never have no limits to every thing you do in life, and you will always be heading for the unachievable. No downer. Test the shit out of this theoretical idea. :). An when it works, pass it on.

  3. Me being a Brain won't shut up wanker this is very informative I'm going to give the supplements a go , thank you, we have two dogs and they announced their love for shiting a 3am by barking the house down ..

  4. You're a breath of fresh air brother. Good knowledge & presented well from a realistic point of view, no virtue signalling you're not tryna front, Not taking yourself too seriously, like I can feel the ADHD energy ๐Ÿ˜ and I'm here for it, you utilize it well.
    All in all, upfront and honest ๐Ÿ‘Š respect for not plugging sponsorship supplements too, that's an easy couple quid to make for youtubers but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth seeing a lack of authenticity from "influencers" trying to sell the viewer something.
    Doing good work mate.

  5. first of i need to apologise lol… i remember seeing one of your videos many moons ago and i dont know why but i thought… "he's a dick" but recently have found your videos again. and i cant get enough of them…

    I'm an overweight (18st), Middle aged (36 years old) bloke who's just started getting myself healthy again. im now loving your no nonsense approach to what you say and its helping me so much. Thank you.

  6. There's a slight irony behind taking the piss out of other content creators and having videos like theirs….unless it's a universal thing….no coffee in the morning has helped….

  7. Maybe I missed it but I think you forgot the most important factor influencing your sleep. LIGHT!! Itโ€™s more important than the whole list you gave. Of course breathing is important too, but if you are in front of screens or have LED lights on in your house before sleeping it disregulates your CR and through that your hormones.

  8. Yeah… that whole coffee 90 minutes after waking up is bull. I'm not saying it wouldn't be healthier, but we ordinary mortals have to get up early to get to work on time, have a million other things to do. I don't really have the time to wake up earlier so I can wait 90 minutes for my coffee. It's hard enough to get 8 hours of sleep. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. I love you're videos and how you tell it straight and no 5 hours getting to the point you're a top man…as soon as you said you had adhd I thought this is why I like your stuff and how you deliver it coz I've adhd too ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  10. One of the best things Iโ€™ve found, is get your child to read your their school book to you at night, knocks me out and then the little ones tuck me in and go off to bed. So good!

  11. Hey that 90 minute caffeine thing is possible for a mortal man. I've been doing it for half a year now and it works wonder for me. Got a normal job x)

  12. This editing is excellent. Nearly shit myself when you said 22 year old at home with no kids…then relaxed when I looked over to my morning coffee that I am drinking within 90 minutes of waking up haha


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