1. Hebrew University Prof. Raphael Mechoulam, “Father of Cannabis Research, groundbreaking contributions to the world of cannabis research have revolutionized our understanding of this incredible plant. In 1963, he accomplished a monumental feat by successfully isolating and elucidating the chemical structure of cannabidiol (CBD) – a prominent non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. A year later, in 1964, he and his brilliant research team were the first to isolate and synthesize delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound responsible for the euphoric "high" associated with marijuana consumption.

    With decades of expertise and a wealth of knowledge under his belt, Raphael Mechoulam possesses the answers to all the burning questions you and your audience may have about cannabis. From CBD's therapeutic potential to THC's intricate workings and beyond, he is a true authority in this field.

    We encourage you to seize this extraordinary opportunity and contact Raphael Mechoulam to have him as a guest on your show. He is eager to share his invaluable insights and engage in fascinating discussions. We invite you to watch his enlightening talk at https://youtu.be/5BGS5JzLlvs to get a taste of his expertise.

  2. After 20 years of smoking taking brakes ranging anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half, I can attest to these long term side effects:

    Short term memory impairment: Check
    Long term memory impairment: Double check
    Motor skill impairment: Only when over indulging (several joints in a row) which I don't really do much.
    Ability to make important decisions impaired: Check! I struggle with that often.
    Circadian rhythm effed: FAT CHECK!
    Lets see.. what else? I forgot

  3. I disagree that it is "Non-addictive" because I haven't found a single person who only does Marijuana ONCE then quits. Most Marijuana users use it DAILY, and many CRAVE it, which equates to an Addiction. Secondly I used to use Marijuana everyday when I was young, then I joined the Air Force I quit, I haven't done it since. From my experience, I think Marijuana significantly affects Memory, and a person's ability to Learn new things. You don't see too many World Leaders, CEOs, or Scientists, who smoke Marijuana. I have also seen many people who use Marijuana then complain they HAVE to use it because of their Anxiety, so I believe it is the Marijuana Withdrawal effects that may be causing the Anxiety. I have also seen many people who use Marijuana who display many different kinds of Mental Disorders. I can't help but think the Marijuana is partly to blame for these problems. I've used it, I've quit using it, and I have to say I feel BETTER, and THINK CLEARER, and Learn Better, NOT Using it. I have no desire to start using it again, be it Legal or not.

  4. In the cannabis community those who know believe it's the terpene profile that gives the couchlock effect or the sativa like buzz. Myrcine is commonly found in og Kush so is limonene know to give you energy so that's why og Kush gets you stuck to the couch yet your mind is active. So I believe it's the terpene profile that determines the effect of body high or speedy energetic mental high. This is what is new in the cannabis industry hence some cannabis packaging list the terpene profile of the cannabis flower I buy.

  5. Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.

  6. Sehr interessanter Beitrag mit Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft. Es erinnert etwas an Gunther von Hagen und seinen Ausstellungen. Aber das Sie den aufgeschnittenen Hoden in die Kamera halten finde ich bedenklich 😅 💛

  7. I have severe arthritis in my entire body as well as Multiple Sclerosis, and edibles help my pain, help me sleep, help me with my MS-related digestive problems and more. I hope that someday soon we will see legalization on a federal level.

  8. I suffer from depression and ptsd because of youngling trauma and cannabis made my life lots easier since I started to consume it, now is like 25 Years ago, however it's difficult to have a normal life because we still have so much mislead info, I have problems getting a job because it's mandatory antidoping tests in most of the jobs, right now I am suffering again because I am sacrificing my mental health in order to get a fine job, it's horrible and painful.

  9. I quit cannabis almost 7 years ago and felt much better after stopping. The stuff was addictive. There is no arguing that. To me quitting was a big upgrade to mental health. Even when I was a daily using pot-head I used to laugh at people talking about the notion of cannabis as some sort of ‘medicine’. It may alleviate some forms of suffering for a particular ailment but the idea that it is overall improving ones health to me is not a serious idea. I read Alex Berensons book ‘Tell Your Children’ and found it to be very informative and factual. I believe there is a causal link between chronic cannabis use and psychotic disorders. When I speak to young people who are considering using cannabis I tell them to stay away from it…Who needs it!

  10. I stayed high on MJ every day, all day from age 14 to age 28. At age 21 I worked a full time job and attended college at night. I paid my way through 4 years of studies and earned my under grad Bachelors degree. Last year, I earned over $250K. Just say no to ethanol. AKA booze. That stuff will rot your brain and liver.

  11. it always amazes me when pot smokers come up with a maze of reasons why pot is good for them!! It helps everything!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣don't listen to a doctor or a scientist listen to a pot smoker because they know everything!!!!

  12. Basically cb1 and cb2 receptors s what this video brought to focus. Nothing new was said. Marijuana affects your life. Its too complex to label positive and negative, because it has both aspects and how you think about those + or – aspects is also very philosophical. Id smoke marijuana for part of life but keep away from it for most of life.

  13. they discovered our cannabinoid receptors AFTER they identified the molecule within csnnabis. BUT. they never evolved for the plant ….. the plant evolved to please the hominid, thus, scattering its seeds far and wide in our lovely nitrogen rich refuse piles… like flowers evolve to moths…. we are being taken advantage of by a weed! but I consent… 😎

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