56:30 this is such a great part of the conversation. I have gained an enormous amount of respect for Chmura. Leave being upset about a subject up to the people who are effected by it.
Tvboo, I’ve been a longtime fan of you and this podcast but I need to speak my mind. Your views on this whole trans sports thing really made me reconsider supporting you. There is a literal nation-wide hate campaign going on against trans people right now, and you hyper fixating on sports is completely giving in to the conservative narrative that is meant to divide. You really need to educate yourself on what these people are going through. I’m disappointed in you and so are many fans who know trans people and their current struggles.
Yooooo 10mg of Melatonin is crazyyyyy. TVBOO You only need 1/4 of mg to activate your production. You need to chill Tf out haha😂. You’re basically stopping your body from being able to produce it itself. You’re building up a tolerance which is why u can’t sleep.
F da haters this episode is great
56:30 this is such a great part of the conversation. I have gained an enormous amount of respect for Chmura. Leave being upset about a subject up to the people who are effected by it.
loved this episode!!
LSDiesel 😂😂😂
Mitch looking so zen by the end of this lmao – CBDoin some gooood
Tvboo, I’ve been a longtime fan of you and this podcast but I need to speak my mind. Your views on this whole trans sports thing really made me reconsider supporting you. There is a literal nation-wide hate campaign going on against trans people right now, and you hyper fixating on sports is completely giving in to the conservative narrative that is meant to divide. You really need to educate yourself on what these people are going through. I’m disappointed in you and so are many fans who know trans people and their current struggles.
Love you Kai
Shaq on the deems is a vibe
Steph Curry just becomes a tech house DJ 😂
You should do a collab with Grass Roots California and make a Hat!! That would be sick!!
Kai is awesome 🙂 met him at forest
So your close! It's not CBG for sleep but it's CBN and it's a non psychoactive canabinoid that helps with sleep and restlessness 😎
great episode! kai is the goat
Loved this one!!! Got to meet chmura at one of his shows and he was a pleasure to talk to
So good. Thank you! Hi Kai.
Mitch wants to join the Corgi gang!? Bro come out to Oregon after you do for the Corgi Beach day!
Love this one! Churma is cool Af
Love this convo, and love how Chmura brought up the Huberman podcast!
Yooooo 10mg of Melatonin is crazyyyyy. TVBOO You only need 1/4 of mg to activate your production. You need to chill Tf out haha😂. You’re basically stopping your body from being able to produce it itself.
You’re building up a tolerance which is why u can’t sleep.
That offensive lineman paying to lick dirty feet may be the first time some kinky shit made my stomach hurt, more to that guy
Merch drop hell yea