1. Nice !!! Hey maybe to legalize cocaine and heroin too so that's all available for customers. No need to bother catching drug dealers any more 😂😂😂 and make OTC oxycodone and percocet. What a moronic state 😂😂😂

  2. Tonight, The CT. General Assembly has decided to play politics with legalization and now looks like the law will fail. It passed the Senate and the Senate decided to add something to the bill which is now going to fail. All the states around Connecticut have legalized it, but now CT. has decided that it's much easier to raise taxes on it's citizens than to find creative ways of raising revenue. If this bill ultimately fails, I hope there's a mass exodus from CT. from the huge tax burden and let the state legislators hang by the neck trying to figure out how to pay for everything. As for me, I'm done with this freakin' state which was my home for 69 years! This is the final straw!

  3. Finally they did something right in CT. Will this make us forget about their failures on tax issues, losing businesses to MASS and other states, killing out economy. Yes this is good, but it should have been done a long time ago. They screw us 9 ways while in 1 way they don't even help us but stop screwing us, and expect us to clap for them! And these people are supposed to serve us not rule us

  4. For our children i say vote NO.
    How old are his kids.. get the fook out of here old man we need that money to help the state after this covic19 turned everything upside down
    I bet he wants tax to go up to fix the gap.

  5. Just another reason to leave Connecticut and take my money with me. The “greed” and “stupidity” of the “pimps and hors” calling themselves Democrats all the while exploiting a Marxist agenda aimed at controlling a population in a depressed economy is their only concern. A drastic increase in “organized crime” will in short time control the “cost and distribution” within the state. A drastic increase in deaths and violence will follow. You don’t get this type of co-operation from elected officials without them receiving a “serious payday” (bribe) from those evil doers who’s existence depends on “exploiting” weak people and the misfortune of others ! They’re parasites.

  6. Finally!!!! Now finish passing the bill for land to ride ATV’s on. These two things ruined my childhood and caused many court dates! I don’t even smoke anymore either. But I sure do ride!

  7. What will the laws 🤔 do to make sure people are not behind the wheel of an automobile? Add alcohol and lapses in judgment increase. The term "pot head" is real. Please honor the safety of every person first before giving a free pass to Marijuana. You can expunge records without legalizing. The harder part is the lieing by people so they can do whatever they want instead of acting like responsible adults.

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