What I eat in a week for WEIGHT LOSS! 💥 20 lbs down, 55 to go!

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  1. OMG LO Kiera!!!….my sister will eat every pasta except SPAGHETTI ….the noodles remind her of worms. Congratulations Jen….you look amazing!!! Thank you for all the protein ideas!!!

  2. Hey, happy that you're doing great on your journey. Just some info- nutrition on the packet is ALWAYS (unless otherwise specified) for food before cooking. So for nuggets the nutrition is for before you bake them. They obviously will loose some water (zero cals), but if you weigh them after, the 5 oz will actually have more calories. So, if you have 5 oz before cookin, the same 5 oz will be lets say 3,5 oz after cooking, not 5. So, if you want the actual calories, you need to weigh them before. If you don't care, then ypu don't need to 😂
    Good luck on your journey, I'll be joining in in September 🤪

  3. I bought the real good chicken tenders from Walmart. I really like them. I also weigh it after cooking. I bought some Baby Ray's Garlic Parmesan sauce at Wal-Mart a couple of months ago. Some Wal-Mart's don't carry it. It is absolutely delicious. A little bit goes a long way. I used it all and couldn't find any more. I ended up ordering it from Amazon in a larger size. I love it on the chicken tenders and also put some on rotisserie chicken for a quick protein meal.

  4. Congrats on your progress queen! 🤩🤩20lbs is UNREAL !! I'm sooo happy for you!
    I really love watching your videos and how you prepare your meals, they're so motivating!

  5. I feel like for the left over smoothie you could put it in a souper cube and it would freeze nicely.
    My niblings are not fans of pb&j's either! What is up with these kids?

  6. For those that are concerned about the calories in salad dressing here is an idea- after you measure your salad dressing put it and the entire salad in a zip lock bag and shake it. This distributes the salad dressing over ALL the salad. You may find you can cut back on the amount of dressing you need doing it this way:)

  7. I was weird about red meat too as a kid. I never ate burgers or anything like that; not even taco meat. I've been pescatarian for about 16 years now. Burgers are still weird…especially the impossible meat. 😂

  8. I've, within the last year, had to go on a low sodium diet. Most "convenience foods" even those considered "healthy" or lower in calories are basically just salt. When I started looking at my salt intake I was blown away by how much sodium is in a lot of things you'd never expect to be salty. The Real Good brand nuggets are some of the best I've found sodium content wise and they're really yummy! I like to put them in a wrap with home made tortillas for lunches.

  9. I'm weird about beef as well. I stopped eating red meat when I was 18 – I'm many years beyond that now but I will eat Taco Bell tacos, BK Whoppers, meatballs and oddly meatloaf. What I figured out is that it is a smell and textural thing especially with hamburger. I still like the taste of BBQ'd steak but after a couple of chews and the flavor is gone I want the meat in my mouth gone.

  10. Hi Jen, great video, I love those Rompers. I bought one from QVC and it’s so comfortable. Very nice and a great item to take on a vacation. I bought an Extra Large carry all Tote Bag from QVC called Lug. If I can travel in the future, I am going to take a carry on only. I love how you showed us how to roll your clothes to save space. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  11. I was not a fan of that chicken. The real good or whatever it’s called. I had the tenders and thought they were really dry and had no flavor. They were expensive too for a tiny bag. I wouldn’t buy them again

  12. Thanks for the great video Jen! Wtg on your 20lb weight loss! I'm on a health journey too and it's so great that you are sharing your journey ❤

  13. Hey so sorry to bring this up but wanted you to alert you. Did you read the cause of death of Lisa Presley was obstructive bowel caused by scar tissue from WLS. Over 30 ft of her bowel had died before she went to hospital. She had abdominal pain leading up to it. I know you had been having pain too. Please be careful! ❤❤❤❤ Good article by Dr Dubrow over on E news.

  14. Rompers never work for me, tall girl problems, but they r cute. My 3 kids have never liked peanut butter and jelly anything either. I’ve moved to keto and the amazing thing about it is I’m so glad to be off carbs and sugar. (So I wouldn’t do PB or jelly anymore) People have negative reactions to keto thinking we all eat bacon and pepperoni all day, but keto can be healthy foods like salmon, olive oil and good veggies. I just like being off the sugar struggle bus.

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