5 Myths of Benzo Withdrawal

For instructions on benzo withdrawal from medical professionals go to You can also read the Ashton …


  1. As someone who has had addiction problems for over 15 years.. I always find it kinda funny that due to avoiding the stigma of being called drug addict, we always try to separate addiction from just physical dependency,
    which can occur just as easily by doing drugs prescribed by your clueless doctor for way too long.

    While addiction has that mental craving towards the feeling we want to have with certain substance, if you are on benzos longer then a period of 2 or 3 weeks, or only in case of anxiety attack, the underlying issues are the same. Our bodies will adapt to the substance we are taking and in the case of abruptly stopping we will expirience withdrawal. It does not mater if we are a drug addict or just someone taking medication as prescribed.

    Also, just a friendly reminder, quiting benzos cold turkey is worse then doing the same with heroine. The "safer" drug here, depending on the dose, time period you were taking it and your own body ability to cope with sudden lack of the substance you made your body be suplied with regulary, benzos and alchocol can kill you or give you life long difficulties.

    Just as a rule of thumb, try to get educated on whatever you porposly put into your body for prolonged period of time. The idea that Jordan Peterson, after taking benzos for more then 2 years, which towards the end, he wouldn't be able to survive a single day without, was just dependent, but was not a drug addict, did a major disservice to societies understanding of what it means to be dependent on something..

    Missed opportunity there to raise some awarness towards the dangers of prolongued benzo use. Getting off them, if you are one of the people who's body is sensitive towards them, may take months to years of slowly tapering.. While I recognize their life saving potential, when in an immediate crisis due to panic attacks, people, just be careful. Your primery doctor is not also a pharmacist.. He just cares of trying to fix your immidiete problem, but he also might be totaly clueless, even though he has the best intentions, that using them for months or years without brakes, makes your own gabba receptors completly dependent on them, and benzo withdrawal, from what I have seen is hell that just goes on and on, and heroine withdrawal in comparison is a walk in the park..

    Same deal with alcohol.. The worst drug there is, yet so normalized in Western society. Quitting it cold turkey, after drinking for years every day, is also a good way to die horribly..

  2. Good video a lot of facts in here but a couple things are not quite right. He stated that barbiturates do not touch the same receptors as benzodiazepines, that’s incorrect. They do, in fact, act on the same receptors gaba-a in particular. Alcohol does as well people suffering benzo withdrawal’s will cheat the withdraws as they call it by taking some vodka or another alcohol. There are other hypnotics also that act on gaba that can ease withdrawals from benzos. However, all you’re doing is extending how long it’s going to make the withdrawals last which, as you stated are very severe. I have experience both opioid withdrawal and benzo withdrawal, and I can say with 100% certainty.
    That I would rather withdraw from opioids 100 times before going through benzo withdrawal just once

  3. Was given 1.5 to 2 mg Klonopin for 28 years, 6 months for anxiety and sleep, before I learned that they weren't supposed to be taken over four weeks (actually took Xanax the first six years then was switched to klonopin). I always took as directed and was told early on they were absolutely safe if I didn't abuse them, so I didnt. When I learned about the "four weeks" limit, I was very worried, spoke to my doc asking to stop! She only said "okay" and the word TAPER was never mentioned.
    I went into a hellish nightmare of panic, extreme heart pounding, hyperventilation, sweating, burning, itching, couldn't think or speak clearly, ears ringing and whooshing, couldn't swallow at times, very hot/cold, couldn't sit still, throwing up, diarrhea, muscle cramping and electric zaps like little pins and other stronger zaps, only slept about an hour at a time with horrible nightmares, waking up to major panic. Wouldn't leave my apartment, didn't want my children to see me like that, couldn't drive if I'd wanted to. Couldn't think. This went on for 5-6 months and then started to improve occasionally. Considered calling someone to take me to ER during the worst but was afraid if I did go there, they'd give me more benzos and I'd have to start over from scratch. Should have gone as they would have explained importance of tapering to me. Tried to contact my doctor by portal as I was too panicky to talk on phone and make sense. Finally got a message back telling me to call for an appt, not concerned at all though my portal message was pretty desperate. Anyway…
    That was 29 months ago. I'm a lot better but damaged, different. I'm very serious now, lost my fun side. I get angry very easily, not like me. I don't like people anymore. I'm hypersensitive to all my senses, had to buy everything new as I have to wear extremely soft fabrics and extremely loose clothes. My eyes are so light sensitive that I can be around anything flashing, night or fluorescent. I get migraines easily from all colognes, dogs, candles, lotions, detergents, etc. I startle super easily with sudden sounds. Can't tolerate car alarms, barking dogs, whistling, store intercoms etc.
    I've been diagnosed with migraines, fibromyalgia and small fiber neuropathy. They're checking me for autoimmune issues.
    Don't trust doctors or their drugs. I won't take the drugs, so guess the diagnoses don't matter anyway.

  4. When I quit after a long taper,
    I became psychotic for 4 months. I was so gone, I didn't even realize that I was in withdrawal. Been off them 5 years. Doing fine now.

  5. There HAs been a huge conspiracy against benzos in the beginning of the 90th from pharmaceutical industry which aimed at demonizing them for the sake of marketing the newly discovered Ssris like Prozak, the reason behind this was mainly for financial benefits.
    Benzos are scientifically proven much safer and more effective than antidepressants in treating général anxiety disorder and dépression, and there are myriad scientific évidences proving this.
    Stop demonizing benzos, stop the Propaganda conspiracy!!

  6. I was in tolerance for three years losing my mind and body. My pharmacist csught it and watched my personality change. He called my doctor and i went to an addiction doctor. Never ever take these again.

  7. Doctors are not your friend. None of them. They're part of the club and they have an agenda. Masonic.
    The medical establishments mascot is a snake. No coincidence.

  8. Post-acute withdrawal from valium and klonopil is AWFUL! The memory loss, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, the inability to function!!! And that is what awaits you after you safely taper off. Horrible, dehabilitating post-acute withdrawal which can last up to 2 years!

  9. I got down to 0.25 mg – twice a day . I need to switch to a longer active benzo instead of xanax .
    The xanax is to short active

    I can’t stand this nom-ore .

  10. It's obvious that the gaba receptors in the brain should not be tampered with any way by a man drug. I've been off klonopin for 6 months and am still suffering. I can't do anything I'm falling apart . Shame on the doctors an Shame on the fda. Yall deserve to be punished.

  11. I am trying to taper Klonopin from 0,25mg to 0. Wish me luck 😬 I am scared shitless but I know I can do it. 2mg->0,25mg was hell on earth and took me years.

  12. You can do it. I weaned myself off of Klonopin over a period of 2 months. Reducing it a quarter tab every week. Scared the schlitz out of me, so I got off of them.

  13. Another thing to point out that benzodiazepines can also damage your Vegas nerves, and that causes a lot of physical withdrawal symptoms! Such as digestive problems, abdominal bloating problems with eating and much more, etc.

  14. I'm going to withdraw from benzos by using fentanyl… Dead ass serious. One small hit for the wild ass ride benzos take you on. Benzos are worse than any drug, period. You'll OD on other stuff easier, but benzos are the very worst drugs to come off of. It's a Mexican Ms fuck! And I suggest a slow taper.

  15. I’ve been taking Valium for a decade literally one dose a month (30mgs). I suffer from severe anxiety and lack of motivation that I need Valium to do my monthly bills, laundry, house cleaning, etc. I also enjoy the recreational dose and experience euphoria and mania for 3 days.

    I decided to quit. What’s the severity and length of post acute withdrawals should I expect? Thank you

  16. The thing with this medication is if you’re already having medical problems and you’re taking this stuff for anxiety and panic attacks because of health problems like heart palpitations PVCs a fib I notice you’ll start having other problems like stomach issues stiff joints you get where you can’t walk right then you get to the point where you’re bedridden because of the other medication‘s and and you don’t realize what’s happening and it comes down to the benzos that’s why ! You get where you lay down and then you gotta get off of that crap with all these other heart problems . It’s almost like I rather of just dealt with the anxiety and panic attacks and just died . The doctors will say oh yeah you need it you have to have it yeah shit man take your medicine or you will end up in the hospital yeah take your medicine man or you die ! Lmbo !
    Yeah you have to taper off the crap !
    If you’re healthy enough and strong you can beat it a lot faster , but I noticed if you’re weak minded and struggling already with health issues it’s torture .
    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. If you’re taking it off the street high doses I couldn’t even imagine trying to stop it cold turkey especially if you’re taking 5 to 10 mg of that crap or more ! 2 to 3 times A day ! Yeah that would be hell of a ride .

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