Between Two Trees – with Jack Osbourne

Jack Osbourne is a TV personality, producer, and advocate for those living with multiple sclerosis. From the whirlwind days of ‘The …


  1. Genuine Steven Seagal “fact” he stated that he can shoot two bullets through one hole.
    Edit: Another “fact” he once said he was a CIA “contractor” yet……. he couldn’t read a topographical map, lmao.

  2. When I heard "It was my fist time I had a beer with my dad." I just felt the loss of my father who killed himself in 1975 and I would give anything to have a beer with my dad.

  3. I have been enjoying listening to Andy for a number of years. This is the most interesting interview I've heard. Very entertaining. It took me 15 min to realize it was that Jack Ozzy.

  4. Andy, you should have a Young Earth Creationist on your show. I've been in that debate for 2 decades now and can say Darwinian Evolution is a hunk of shit. Creationists are pushed off, but the evidence isn't on the same equilibrium as flat earther's.

  5. Lmao that Jack thinks someone who is a hunter and lives in the woods is a credible source. My cousin's grew up in the forest of Oregon and once we were out there on a hike together as kids and prior to that my aunt faked a bigfoot track that we stumbled upon and then made a cast of . Was a great memory as a kid, but was total bullshit. Still can't believe people entertain bigfoot. Entertainment pays I guess.

  6. I went to Ozzfest 98 and 99. Big fan of Ozzy and remember the family show but wasn't ever a fan of it. Jack seems very based. Love that he grew out a Montana beard in respect to being in Montana. Seems like fun human to be around.

  7. Hey Andy, next time can we change the camera view so that your skinny pale legs, thighs and feet isn't in the middle of the frame? Or atleast wear long shorts. I can see what the guy had for breakfast yesterday with those high, baggy bad boys on.

    These guys legs and feet look like they belong to guys who wore pants and shoes everyday for 20 years, and only now wearing shorts/flipflops lol. You showcasing these on YouTube?!?!

  8. Lmao I guess Andy just started watching between two ferns. Hey young guy Andy but discovering old vids for the first time like a boomer …That show was popular 10 years ago!

  9. Definitely took me a bit to figure out who Jack was, til talking about the show, which I don't think I ever watched a full episode of, maybe a couple of news clips over time. Certainly made for a fun podcast.

  10. Lmfao the phantom poo… I grew up calling it a ghost turd or a ninja nugget, but it is something that deserves almost a legendary status… nothing was greater growing up with 3 brothers than leaving a phantom poo and waiting for one of my brothers to go take a shot just to have it become clogged overflowing the toilet and the victim would think they clogged the toilet lmao 🤣🤣🤣

  11. I had no interest in watching this because of how Jack was on their show back in the day but god damn this dude grew up! Talk about turning your life around and becoming something spectacular. Great show, watched every second of it. Jack, congratulations on your success. Andy, keep up the awesome work buddy

  12. Andy, great show, Bigfoot is supposed to be able to see infrared just like you can with nods.
    Put your money where your mouth is and go up to BC where they are seen daily. You’re a SEAL, you ain’t scared are ya? Take Mike Glover with you because Green Berets ain’t skeerd 😂

  13. "What was the design?". Andy asking the important questions 😆
    I'm a huge Ozzy fan and I love seeing Jack doing so well now. It was touch and go there for a while iirc.

  14. @JackOsbourne, You've probably heard this a million (or more) times, but one of the VERY best concerts I have even been to, was your Dad's "Bizzard of Oz" tour. I was 19 years old, going through "A" School in the Navy and was more introverted than most…

    At that point in my introverted life, I listened to most of the 60's, 70's & early 80's rock, some country and that was about all. I will never forget the opening of that concert and having my mind absolutely blown!!!

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