i started smoking weed because of my lucid nightmares, and those were very horrible, like you would have to sit for half an hour after waking up just to get a grip on reality again, and the weed really really helped, and its never addictive.
‘Cannabis is also being grown legally in the UK for another medicine, Epidiolex. It's currently being reviewed for the treatment of two rare forms of uncontrollable epilepsy, by medicine agencies in both the US and Europe. But it's not yet available. The specially bred type of cannabis plant used to make it is grown in a glasshouse in Wissington, Norfolk, by British Sugar – which also grows virtually all of the sugar beet in the UK. British Sugar – whose managing director is Paul Kenward – has an exclusive deal with pharmaceutical company GW, which makes Epidiolex. Mr Kenward is married to drugs minister Victoria Atkins. She was accused of "hypocrisy on a grand scale" over her husband's involvement in a legal cannabis farm. She declared the interest in Parliament when she was appointed in 2017 and excused herself from speaking for the government on cannabis.’ – BBC, May 23, 2018
I live in NJ, and it's recreationally legal, and it's saved my life from hazardous things that were around my life. Been smoking cannabis for a year. Mary Jane is unbelievable but it's true medicine
Its definitely not the same as a cup of tea in the morning lol. When it comes down to it though it isnt anywhere near as bad for you as drinking alcohol though.
Spliff ohhhh, dont know how you can mix both together.🤢🤢🤮🤮
I can not smoke and go to work i feel like everyone is watching me i hate that feeling
Peter and Jane are like the joker and Batman 🤣🤣🤣
I was smoker for 3 years. 60-80g weekly..3weeks after stopped..not good feeling i assure u
Cannabis addiction is just like any other addiction and has serious side effects and no, most people in Holland are not drug addicts and stoners.
What blows me away is how most Europeans exclusively smoke weed WITH tobacco
i started smoking weed because of my lucid nightmares, and those were very horrible, like you would have to sit for half an hour after waking up just to get a grip on reality again, and the weed really really helped, and its never addictive.
‘Cannabis is also being grown legally in the UK for another medicine, Epidiolex. It's currently being reviewed for the treatment of two rare forms of uncontrollable epilepsy, by medicine agencies in both the US and Europe. But it's not yet available.
The specially bred type of cannabis plant used to make it is grown in a glasshouse in Wissington, Norfolk, by British Sugar – which also grows virtually all of the sugar beet in the UK.
British Sugar – whose managing director is Paul Kenward – has an exclusive deal with pharmaceutical company GW, which makes Epidiolex. Mr Kenward is married to drugs minister Victoria Atkins.
She was accused of "hypocrisy on a grand scale" over her husband's involvement in a legal cannabis farm. She declared the interest in Parliament when she was appointed in 2017 and excused herself from speaking for the government on cannabis.’ – BBC, May 23, 2018
I live in NJ, and it's recreationally legal, and it's saved my life from hazardous things that were around my life. Been smoking cannabis for a year. Mary Jane is unbelievable but it's true medicine
Weed is better than liquor vapes shroom pills etc in my opinion
Its definitely not the same as a cup of tea in the morning lol. When it comes down to it though it isnt anywhere near as bad for you as drinking alcohol though.
99% of the uk smoke too 🙂 we just can’t legally
Man was blitted
Probably not true outside of the big cities.
Like the volcano pack
Anyone know wht hes on about.whers the full doc please
This YouTube short felt a lot longer than it is.
Yeah, bring that here! Increase the scum culture in England even further!
Bro smoking a joint in the morning is definitely not the same as drinking coffee 😂
So I'm from Dutch I don't like tea I like my morning zoot 😂
I wanna move to Netherlands now lol
i love weed
Bruh take all our shitty pubs away and put these and I swear England will be a calmer place guranteed
Same in Canada and its going well. Alchohol is much worse for you.
i’m so fried rn
Brits? 😂
Nothing good comes from this
The English people in holland made this I guarantee
Yeah idk about a spliff but a joint for sure.
For those of you who don’t know what a spliff is. It is weed and tobacco mixed together in a joint
I’m so sorry it’s illegal where you guys are from, it’s so stupid. I hope it gets legalize soon.
What does "like a volcano pack" mean?
I wanna be Dutch now
Im a daily smoker outta California
What if that's the reason is illegal to keep people divided I'm smoking weed right now by the way
I think it should be legal all over. It has the potential to help so many people, me included. Ive never tried but would as soon as its legal
He is handle his shit at the end she is just like 🤯 she is on her level lol
I smoke everyday and I love it.
Like your volcano pack
the Last scene got me cracking 🤣
Some of these shorts are terrible clips
The two at the end man they tweaking 🤣🫠