1. I drank 6 shots a day of bourbon, I quit a month ago, never had one side effect. never had a hangover from bourbon, and I never drank more than 8 shots a day and never felt drunk. crazy stuff. I'm sure it was causing damage, so i decided to give it up.

  2. I’m on the 4th night. On day 2 I drunk a Gatorade and took nap and woke up completely numb(pins and needles) then I ate extremely healthier than I usually do till this 4th day and pins and needs went away a day later but earlier today drunk Gatorade before sleeping and woke up in middle of night and have the pins and needles again. I think high sugar is bad idea

  3. I’m scared for my dad, sadly he’s been struggling with alcoholism for many years. He recently got arrested for a 20 year warrant and will probably be in county for a while until it gets resolved. He drinks everyday and I pray he doesn’t get super sick in there.

  4. The first day after, I woke up and threw up violently twice. I also had some really bad agitation and anxiety. I was having panic attacks almost regularly throughout a given hour. It wasn’t until I went to the ER and they gave me some
    Medicine to calm me from uncontrollably shaking. Truly one of the most terrifying moments of my life. In those panic moments, you really don’t know if you’re gonna make it or not

  5. It' all about ..withdrwal your mood ideas from your brain …and keep going in life ..stop and drink …it' s life circle 😢😢..especially if you are married 😂😂 and have kids…the right thing is to stop drink ..i wish i could have 2 beer per week …😢😢

  6. I’m on vacation in Japan with my friends right now… and our vacation is accidentally extended bc I had a grand mal on the freaking flight.

    I’m a small woman who doesn’t drink often because I binge. However, my friends are big craft beer drinkers, and I’ve been trashed for two weeks.

    I’ll legitimately never drink again.

  7. I cannot get a straight answer anywhere… if I’m a current heavy drinker and start taking Naltrexone, will it tell my brain I’m no longer drinking and start the withdrawal process?

  8. I lost my fucking head around the third week. That one weekend was a nightmare followed by hell. I did have tremors too. But something kept me going for sure. The next morning i woke up without much sleep, but did fine the next day. I knew that day this has passed. 😊

  9. God took that craving from me 6 months ago. Not my strength but his! I wasn’t a alcoholic but dependent. If you guys want to get off go to rehab because it can be deadly. Look at the treatment like a vacation and getting to know you for the first time.

  10. Watching this cause I’m trying to figure out if my mom would die if I just force her to quit alcohol and I’ve been the sweetest son it’s gonna break her heart when she sees this side of me but it’s for her own good wish me luck and I’m curious do you guys have an alcoholic parent? I need tips and help lol

  11. I was drinking every night ever since the pandemic. I finally stopped when I started getting anxiety attacks. That wasn't fun at all, I kept thinking I was having a heart attack.

    I'm glad I stopped.

  12. I drank a pint of Vodka every day for about 100 days. I quit cold turkey and on the 3rd day I had a grand mal seizure. I did not know it was happening. I fell and broke my humerus and dislocated my shoulder. I couldn't recommend enough to get professional help if you are quitting a binge.

  13. Be patient friends. It takes a while. I went through hell for 30 days and then had lingering effects that lasted a few months. I got better, decided to have a few beers here and there and I am back with the symptoms. Now I am really done drinking. I just had to ride it out for a while until I am back to normal again. Btw, exercise, walks, meditation and a healthy eating regime helps. Stay away from sugar and caffeine. Sugarless gatorade helps. A vegan diet also helps. Snack on apples and nuts when feeling the symptoms. It helps.

  14. I feel like I be in. A bad mood until I start drinking I wanna stop drinking even though I don’t drink everyday but every week for 2-3 days straight

  15. For first time i used to drink for almost 6 months not heavy but still got drunk. I stopped drinking and anxiety isnt going away all the time the same. How long it will be like this i have no idea. Drinking causes a lot of inflammations and inflammations can cause anxiety because antibodies can affect the way human brain is working also drinking destroys good gut bacteria. I just have to wait. Never gonna drink again

  16. When you get to day 3 it starts getting alot better, im at 5 and the shivers and night sweats are gone. I still have a little tremor in my hands but not as bad as before, stay strong boils and gills!

  17. I have quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and cigars. I was not feeling right at all. So I had the hometell office at the hometell I stay at call the Ambulance. I could not breathe and my left arm felt funny and my fingertips went numb and when the Ambulance got to me. They took my blood pressure and gave me some oxygen and told me from what I told them it sounds like I'm in Alcohol withdrawal. So I did not have them take me to the hospital. I went to a restaurant bar and got two shots of Jack Daniels and two budweiser beers and I felt better then two days later on my b – day of the 15 th of February I drank a 6 pack of bud ice on my birthday and started feeling all shitty again so around 10 pm I called the Ambulance again because I knew it was not alcohol withdrawal because ide been drinking beer earlier That day on my birthday so this time the Ambulance took me to the hospital and the hospital told me I had pneumonia after they ran a bunch of tests on me. So I took the antibiotics and felt better till two nights ago I had the guys in the hometell office call the Ambulance for me again and the Ambulance guys told me I was in alcohol withdrawal. My KUDO CARE Doctors prescribed me 300 MG GABBAPENTIN pills for alcohol withdrawal and told me to take 1 pill a day. BULLSHIT !!! I Took 3 GABBAPENTIN pills that night after the Ambulance left and knocked myself out and slept a long time. And I'm taking 3 GABBAPENTIN PILLS in the mornings and at night now I felt like I was having a heart attack or something. Alcohol withdrawals suck!!! I've never felt anything like that before

  18. My withdrawal lasted around 3-4 months. The last craving I felt for drinking was after 6 months in. Somewhere around the 8 month mark I stepped on a scale, I had lost nearly 60 pounds. As a 150 lbs man I'd drink a 750ml spirit (normally vodka) in no absolutely no more than 5 hours, it wasn't surprising to finish the bottle closer to 3 hours, and if I could still stand I would go get another bottle. I drank like that for 7-8 years. At 20 years old I had alcoholic hepatitis, and the onset of cirrhosis. At 20 years old. I quit cold turkey, and it was the among the worst experiences in my life, I couldn't sleep, I'd sweat profusely, id shake, I'd get hot flashes and cold snaps, my bowel movements were disgusting, short of breathe, incredibly irritable. I beat my demons and I've been bone dry sober from day 1 coming up on 3 years in September

  19. I stopped drinking 3 weeks ago but had bronchitis and I have a couple times where my heart rate would spike to 160 and blood pressure would raise. Also would have insomnia and tremors. It's super scary and the doctors said all my labs and tests were good and told me it could be withdrawals symptoms from alcohol. Does this sound like it?

  20. I just went thru fuckin' hell for 3 days. I drank everyday. I just now had the strength to shower and brush my teeth after 3 days. I was cryin' in the shower like a damn baby because I knew I got through the rough part.

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