How To Make a CBD Tincture

Trent the CBD Wizard breaks down the nuances and nitty-gritty details of how to make a CBD oil-based tincture. From CBD oil …


  1. What's the damn percentage of CBD and a little eyedropper bottle of oil? One guy says 10% and other guy says 3% another guy says 15%! For a little eye dropper bottle how much crystalline CBD do actually put in????

  2. Whats the point of this video??? Like honestly, no shit CBD oil is made from products containing CBD…. But how do you make it properly into said infused oil

  3. Thanks for your video. Can you tell me for a 30ml full spec CBD oil, what is the ratio of CBD distillate and MCT in a 30ml bottle.

    Or, generally speaking what is the ratio of CBD distillate and MCT? Thank you.

  4. Hello I have a question I do have about 20 bottles of cbd oil 500 mg , I like to make some type of concentrated oil from all this bottles , is any way of doing something like that ?

  5. Thanks for your informative video. I'm considering using either MCT or Olive oil for extraction. Does such oil extraction methods provide full potency extraction, or do you recommend an alcohol or supercritical extraction process? Thanks.

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