1. It’s so weird. I wasn’t even that heavy of a user and I still haven’t been able to sleep for the last 2 months. I had the initial symptoms but as they faded, the insomnia did not and it’s still affecting me daily

  2. Like any drug you’re addicted to, it’s a life time battle. If it’s affecting your life your health and your children please do what you need to do.

  3. Truthfully, I stay clean two weeks before my harvest every time. Symptoms the first day was it was hard to sleep. The second day I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms and it’s easy to go weeks without smoking even more if I needed to or wanted to. I have a lot of buddies that smoke for a long time and they just quit the next day with no problems.
    I think the max, a persons going to have symptoms of cannabis would be 3 to 4 days. It’s a super weak addictive drug.

  4. For anyone who needs a pep talk. I got you

    I want you to think of anything that you’ve accomplished or overcome. (Graduating high school, college, uni. Getting your drivers license, going through a breakup whatever the case. ) Think about how you were able to go through that and come out the other side. Humans are I credible creatures, we’re intelligent, emotionally connected to each other and our surroundings, and we’re préservant as shit.

    If you were able to go through, accomplish, overcome, learn, adapt at any point in your life, than your able to quit smoking too.

    A lot of people underestimate themselves and there own discipline. It’s all about mindset. If you think your gonna fail than you’ll probably self sabotage. But your strong enough to do this. Your capable of doing this and if your searching up information, than you’ve already started. Make sure you remind yourself of your own strength and capabilities. Being hard on yourself or down talking your own capabilities will only make things harder.

    I’m proud of you, and you should be proud too. Your not quitting, your making a change to better yourself. Making that association on your brain that life without weed is better than life with weed is gonna be what gets you through this. Think of it like trying to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight you don’t go on a fad diet, you make a lifestyle change to better your health. It’s the same thing here, and if you slip up, it’s not the end of the world. You dust yourself off and keep moving forward.

    And on a personal note, the first three days are tough. I couldn’t sleep and my appetite was non existent t. Ended up forcing myself to eat because I just wasn’t hungry. Over the two weeks that you first quit, things will slowly start to settle. By week three, you barely even think about smoking. Or at least I didn’t

  5. For me I only needed a few 1 hits per day and maybe more at times. 5-10 joints a day is a lot wow. I did know a guy that would fill up a huge bowl and in a week I would go over and it would be gone.

  6. Well I’ve been smoking for about 52 years. In that time there have been many times I’ve gone without pot for weeks or months at a time and I barely missed it. As much as I enjoy it’s not that big of a “habit”.

  7. Bro if you exercise your ass off you won’t have any withdrawals, trust me replace your urge with push-ups and go for a run it’ll take the anxiety and withdrawal symptoms away

  8. I haven't smoked in 9 months and I still test positive for a weed. Trying to get a better job all I need to test clean. This video answered none of my questions. Cause I'm stuck working at my crappy job that pays me 1 day a week.

  9. As a daily smoker, eater, dabber thats quit quite a few times I've never had nausea or vomiting, never had trouble sleeping would just wake up from weird lucid dreams a couple times a night for like a week and i was fine after that. I could eat just fine. Im back smoking again now but whenever i wanna quit, i quit. For a few weeks, for months, years. Its pretty easy for me. But im also a recovering i.v heroin addict with over two years now so i guess nothing compares to that withdrawal

  10. The real problem is the cannabis strains these days are gmo and grown fir potency not balance and also are sprayed with chemicals to modify the growth cycle. It's not like the old school strains that they had in the 60s. I still remain how it used to give relief from anxiety, now it creates anxiety and panic attacks. Also there's concentrates and vapes available which weren't ever around back then. To many unnatural variables making a huge negative impact when trying to quit. I remain when I first stopped I only got irritated easily and my appetite was off. Other than that I was usually happy and worry free using those old school unmodified strains. When you change the genetics and growth cycles of a plant and don't let it grow how its supposed to naturally you'll obviously get negative outcomes. 💯

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