The Science & Treatment of Bipolar Disorder | Huberman Lab Podcast #82

In this episode, I explain the biology, symptoms, causes and types of bipolar disorder (sometimes called bipolar depression).


  1. Thank You… This really helped me. The creativity part of your program was fascinating for me. Because I have lived it. It is the only part of this disease that gives me pleasure 🙏… Also "Saw Palmetto" helps me. I think because of the omega 3… God bless

  2. Hello, please I need your advice, my daughter of 22 years is detained in a psychatry as bed patient against her will. She is completly OK (but they think she has bipolar symptoms) . Everyone who knows her think the same that she is normal. The biggest problem is that they are giving her a lot of drugs which are very dangerous like: Serenase, themes ta, abilify, reagil, ketipinor. And they are forcing her to take these drugs. Please advice what can I do to protect my daughter, because if they will keep her longer, the will damage her nervous system with these drugs

  3. No mention of lithium orotate? I encourage people to look into using this instead of lithium carbonate. Basically no side effects. 5 mg of orotate = 100 mg of carbonate.

  4. I write most of my non-fictions at the early stage of depression. It seems that language functions as a way of giving the disorganized mind a route to follow so I don't lose myself. When I recover, I often find the writings to be so good that it feels they are beyond me. After listening to this episode, I realize I might have type two bipolar instead of depression. Thanks a lot for putting up such a great work.

  5. This video content was posted 11 months ago (today is, Thursday, July 27, 2023), AND I have to inquire Doctor 🥼 Andrew Huberman, do you still believe + backup this video and everything discussed?!?

  6. I just started taking my diagnosis seriously as I’ve realized how much it has impacted my life. This has been incredibly informative!!!!! Thank you so much for this info!!! Life changing

  7. Hi Andrew. As a father of a son who has been impacted by this and a brother as well. I would like to bring your attention to Sodium valproate – For my son this made a tremendous differance and has for him no noticable side effects. It is stabilising at higher doses through a manic episode and helpful as a preventative. I highly recommend that you look more closely at this .

  8. at this point i really tired of everything. i dont care anymore. i just hope we all can just go. i tired of feel good and bad, i tired of feeling, i tired of thinking. i dont care of getting better anymore. i dont even remember how normal even should feel. living is stupid

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