Violence amid Western Cape taxi strike

Thousands of commuters in Cape Town either had to walk or wait in long queues as they made their way to their places of work …


  1. Zimbabwe doesn't have taxi violence. Their taxis respect the law and rules of the road and drive well, protect and respect, and don't intimidate other drivers. And, the number of people killed annually in taxi related road accidents in Zimbabwe is also minimal. The reason is that the taxi industry in Zimbabwe is regulated both regionally and nationally by the government. Supply and demand has to be regulated. You obviously cannot have an unlimited number of taxis competing in an area

  2. How long will we suffer in our own country. This country will never recover from the system of separation. Too much racial and classist division. The wealthy in Camps bay are not bothered its always the poor suffering

  3. In other words Santaco is expecting that everyone simply accepts lawlessness and bullying,
    Well done to cape town for taking charge !
    All the taxis blocking the roads must be baled up into a square and sent off for scrap metal !

  4. Strap yourselves in for the lead up to elections as the ANC attempts to destabilize the western cape. You do not understand the importance of voting in 2024 it is possibly the most significant political moment in SA history, register to vote and change the destiny of South Africans.

  5. My daughter can't even go to school and if she going to have bad results I will ask God to punish that JP Smith that is causing this crap trying to think he can turn the tables around but actually he flipped fail badly all greedy for money and getting the spotlight πŸ™πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘What a crap moveπŸ™πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

  6. @VanessaRAM:God, REBUKE the BEAST-LIFE that HIDES within us! Rebuke those who claim to be, "Strong Ones" that lurk within the CONGREGATION and:abuse the people out of their LOVE for MONEY. So GOD SCATTERS the people who are SPOILING for a FIGHT. PSALM68:30

  7. Smith needs to not relent. Someone in South Africa needs to do something about taxis and if it means he is the one, then so be it.
    SANTACO and friends have gotten too big for their boots and think they can just do whatever.

    They don;t contribute to the tax base but expect all the benefits and more. Their taxis are subsidized by taxpayers. the same taxpayers who have to suffer the presence of those dangerous, unruly taxi drivers on the roads.

    What I'd hope to see is a simple divide and conquer approach. Introduce a law that requires every single driver of a taxi and the owner, to agree that if they are caught with an unroadworthy vehicle, if they stop at at intersection, if they block traffic on purpose, if they hold the nation to ransom… then their taxi can be impounded and crushed.
    The only reason they are a preferred mode of transport is because of heir criminal tendencies to force people to use them. Let real competition in and they are just another bunch of useless, no-ideas-having losers with nothing better to offer than violence and threats.

  8. Why are the (E-hailing) Ubers striking?

    This is not a Taxi's strike, it's the Western Cape motorists, it's just that (1) they have the biggest association and (2) the crime is not by taxi owners or drivers, it's local thugs who are taking advantage of the situation.

    Open your eyes and see that bigger picture… read the By-Laws to understand what's going on and be objective.

  9. Charge ever Taxi boss with Sabotage and Terrorism


    They are behind the burning of busses and destruction of railwaylines

  10. What many commuters who complain about prices of busses are not understanding is that the reason why we don't have affordable public transport is because any plans to deploy busses or improving trains are immediately torched by the taxi organizations. The taxi unions boycott any public transport planning and then if the city goes ahead anyway (i.e. myciti), then the taxi gangs burn the busses and vandalize the stations. They are violently enforcing a monopoly on public transport and thus can charge any price they want.

    On top of that taxi vans are an incredibly inefficient means of public transport so even if there is no dishonesty, it's just not possible to operate a van for cheaper than it would be to operate a bus or a train. If trains and busses are allowed to operate without fearing for their safety or being threatened by taxis, then the daily commute will go down in price. In every city in the world where public transport is working and the people are satisfied with it, the industry is built around busses, trams or metro (for shorter distances) and trains for longer, not around taxi vans and this is the reason why.

  11. This is the shit I'm talking about?… This government are corrupted!!!!!!… The land of no opportunity at all πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž…. People you need to stand up for your rights!!!!!!!.. No matter what colour you are… God did not make us by colour!!!!!!!!….. So stand up together!!!!…

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