What Being Addicted To Kratom Feels Like | My Experience

This has been created for education and harm reduction. This video exists to help people stay safe through educating them about …


  1. I dealt with a brief opiate addiction in my youth but got clean, and through a fluke (free samples got sent to the vape shop that I worked at) I fell into kratom as well. I’ve been using the shit for years, and I truly hate it. It contributed to my last relationship falling apart, and that became a cycle where every time that relationship got hard or we fought I’d take more. I ended up increasing my dosage to frankly obscene levels, and it damaged my life in myriad ways. I understand what you mean about taking it when things got rocky, as it’s a quick and cheap cheat code to turn bad feelings into good feelings. I had quit it fully for a good while but ended up relapsing when relationship and financial issues stressed me out

    I don’t even want to go into how much I was or am taking because it’s frankly embarrassing, but I’m proud of my progress over the last few months. I’m taking way less than half of what I used to, and still consistently dropping. It’s hard, and I dread fully jumping off again, but I’m sick of being dependent on outside sources for happiness, and planning my life around it. Sucks to not be able to go anywhere without meticulously planning a dosage schedule

    The last time I quit I found the strength by doing it for someone else, it’s a lot harder to do it on my own, for myself, but I’ll get there. To anyone else dealing with this shit, we’re all gonna make it

  2. You are a champ. Watching and listening to you is like hearing a different version of myself in another's body. It's kind of crazy. Thank you for all of the work you do on this channel, the people you help, and the facts you present to help people make better, safer, and more informed choices concerning substance use. Between the ADHD, kratom struggle, and number of other shared battles I can relate to, I'm super impressed with you and find you absolutely 100% entertaining as well as informative.

  3. I have chronic pain from breaking my femur horribly, it shattered and tore through my quadraceps eo bad that they to this day are all deformed, at the same time i tore and damaged cartilage in my knee and the muscles in my hip healed weird while i was stuck in bed which has everything kinda misaligned. I was on pain pills for years and eventually switched to kratom, that lasted another few years and i was convinced i needed it because of the pain, but after years of being on it and some deep thoughts i realized the pain i was feeling might be "fake" while the pain felt very real i realized it was enhanced and felt unbearable because my body was shooting off pain signals to get me to give it that thing i was giving it twice a day. After tapering off and being off of it i realize i do have pain but its nowhere near what i thought it was. Its manageable, i can live with this pain without a dependancy and i feel so much more present now that im off of the kratom.

  4. kratom fucked my guts up bad, I ate yellow sumatra every day for years. Started taking it to treat chronic pain. Kept taking it becuz I started taking it in the first place. People should definitely treat this stuff with caution

  5. Not sure if im just very unique but i used kratom for 4 years everyday up to about 12 to 20 grams a day and then i realized i just really didn't feel like myself anymore and noticed more anxiety and mild depression and then i watched a video on Cortex labs YouTube channel about kratom being linked to technically chemically castrateing some men that used kratom and it was a good video and surprising and after that i quit cold turkey with zero noticeable withdrawals other than maybe i started drinking coffee to get me going in the mornings.

  6. I ate it daily for more than a few years, about 80 GPD or more depending on my stress. Took a break when I got sober from hard drugs. Got back on and never stopped. I'd rather be taking kratom than anything else I was doing, but I'm now doing it at a very strict and low amount at specific times. I no longer wakeup withdrawing.

    I have many stories of my life back then, it was terrible. Kratom has been a life saver for my anxiety or if I feel sad. To know I can now control myself from eating it how I was back then, is awesome. Yeah I still use it, but I don't see myself stopping. I used subs to get off when I was really bad. That was a crazy night, a story for another time. Kratom user for about 10 years, daily with the exception of a few months.

  7. I have once pretty much OD'd on kratom in Austria. I was about to get on the plane and I've discovered that I have half a pack of kratom in my pocket, so it was nothing crazy, like 10 grams or something, maybe 15, and I just mixed it with some juice and just downed it all, because why have this baggie with green plant dust on me when going through security? Yes it's legal, but I didn't want to be explaining it to the airport security. My head started spinning like I drank too much, and I ended up puking it all up into the airport trash bin. Not too pleasant.

  8. Dude. You abused kratom. Be honest. And high doses just make you puke. Not die. Come on. You are the problem. Not kratom. I'd bet anything you still have a ton of personal troubles. Pray to God. God is the addicts ONE AND ONLY hope.

  9. I really think that having a proclivity to an addictive personality is the biggest danger to using any drug. And maybe if an individual is trying to use kratom to come off of other drugs you should have help off the start at least. Same as using methadone.

  10. Wow I can relate to your experience! I was taking 24grams 4 times a day… sometimes 5 times a day. Fucking miserable existence. I’ve been weening down for a couple weeks now down to 3 grams 2 times a day. Wish I never started talking this shit

  11. I used to drink heavily and maintained sobriety for a while before I discovered kratom through kava bars. It started out harmless, but over time I gradually grew dependent on the substance. I ingest so much kratom due to my high tolerance, I sometimes wake up with the worst, stabbing headache and I'm puking all over the place. I eventually couldn't stand the person I was becoming, constantly miserable and addicted, to the point I lost almost all of the progress I've made in the gym and stopped going. Today is day one of sobriety, as I miss the person I was before I got addicted to kratom. It can be beneficial in moderation for many people – not for me as I have the brain of an addict and if you give me a foot, I take a mile. The potential addiction and dangers of abusing kratom is never talked about enough

  12. Just come back to this video to share in my rheumatoid arthritis group as there's a lady telling others to take it! Hell no we'll have a whole load of old ladies addicted to this shit

  13. Brother, I needed to hear this. You think Kratom can't grab you but it can. It's tough to let it go. I've been doing it for a while now. I need to get off it. I know I'm addicted. But I needed to hear this. Thank you.

  14. It’s crazy how this drug for all of us started as a miracle drug with no downsides, but finishes with endless side effects and a huge battle to escape.

  15. That heightened sense of intrigue is what did me in. I hadn't felt like that in a long time and it felt amazing. Too bad it didn't last and a few months in, I felt worse than I had before I even started it. But kept taking it falsely thinking it was making me feel better. Eventually realized I've lost all motivation. Watching YouTube videos took priority over spending time with my family. Kicked this stuff cold turkey, withdrawals were hell but starting to get my old self back. Actually enjoying spending time in the family now rather than just waiting for my next dose.

  16. I took Kratom for three years, and started off by telling myself I'd just take maybe two teaspoons three times a week. That didn't last long because I felt so energised and focused when taking it and didn't want that feeling to stop. I breezed through my workouts and it felt like a miracle drug – and it was natural, of course. Then the white Kratom I was taking started to make me feel jittery after about six months, so I switched to a more mellow red variety. That was fine until it became obvious that I was taking it just to feel okay. When I tried to stop I was consumed with aching muscles, especially in my legs.

    Finally, I tapered with the help of painkillers and got off Kratom at the start of this year, but of course I then had to taper the painkillers. My way to cope with the aching was to take up a more serious workout regime which replaced the post-Kratom pain with the normal aching and soreness of post-workout. I'd not recommend Kratom to anyone, except those struggling with chronic pain from diseases or injuries.

  17. Is it just me but Kratom doesn’t give me any effects. I really think it’s all placebo. I don’t crave it cause it does nothing for me. I get no side effects. Therefore I don’t see a reason too want it.

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