1. Doesn’t matter if it is a red state get your head out of your sand hole. Cannabis is not a drug it is a plant, a flower, a botanical. Cannabis is a mild sedative and is a ancient medicine that should have never been illegal. Racist are the only ones that want to keep this plant illegal, they want to be able to bust you and put you in jail. This is a big component being taken away from law enforcement as far as how they move and criminalize people . Legalize the flower and move on .

  2. 100% disabled veteran in GA. This medicine has saved my life from alcohol and the opiates that was being pushed on me by the VA for my PTSD/anxiety. ITS A PLANT! LEGALIZE IT!

  3. Ain't got shit to do with red or blues state, the Democrats were in charge for a decade and didn't lift the federal ban because their big pharma bosses got em by the balls.

  4. They have plenty more ways to incarcerate Black people so just Legalize it so Rockdale can't lock me up for a vape pen(Felony) and a pack of unopened Game green (paraphernalia-even unopened) AGAIN

  5. Georgia: oh… but the votes we might not get voted for so we are hesitant to keep your votes pls vote for me 🥹
    11B out of Gigis skirt and cocktail dress party F*** off Georgia it’s for medical reasons lmao 🤣

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