1. I gotta say, the bridge analogy for vulnerability was pretty spot on.
    For me this really struck a sore sport for me as I've been dealing with terrible mental health for months, your channel has been a light in dark times for me, and it's encouraging me to be more open to my wife about how I feel. Thank you Fergus for being the voice that guides me through the dark times ✊

  2. Love the bit about having a baseline of strength to work with. Could you do a video more in depth about this? ie is training almost exclusively for one goal for an extended period of time, then changing goals, more effective over the long term? And if so, is it more beneficial to have size and strength first? Either way love the Q&A thanks!

  3. Hi Fergus, I found your channel just a few months ago while training for an Ironman. Just successfully completed the Mont-Tremblant Ironman this Sunday! Thanks for all the helpful content you produce! Definitely gave me some insight and motivation to keep pushing during training!

  4. Great video Fergus! Excited to see and hear more about the planned business/brand growth. So much fun watching your professional, physical, and mental health growth. And as always, I appreciate your vulnerability and discover mindset… it really is one of the things that separates you from so many in the fitness space that endlessly drone on about masculinity. You show us you’re a human and that makes you so much more relatable and real.

  5. Started Triathlon this year after 17 years of lifting, still went to the gym 5 times while working 50 hours every week – absolutely get your point. Social life has been reduced to a bare minimum, not too mention any interests besides exercising. I'll finish an ironman 70.3 next week and then I'd like to prioritize lifting again because bigorexia hit me hard recently😅
    …And split up the disciplines because I've enjoyed this year's journey – I'd like to try long distance bikepacking and run my first marathon next year. Thank you for sharing your experience and experiences, both for hybrid training and mental health, it has been very helpful!

  6. Don’t worry about the wedding, it probably won’t be the happiest day of your life (and arguably shouldn’t be unless you’re expecting your marriage to be full). Many people spend more time planning their wedding day than they do their marriage, so just do it when the time is right and focus on being great spouses for each other, rather than a great party hosts for one day.

  7. I mean if people are here for the same reasons I am, then they aren't on the spectrum of canceling people. Wise people vote with their wallets not with their unregulated emotions.

  8. It's weird, but since I started watching your videos my life goals changed completely. Somehow, you awakened my love for hybrid training and now I can't live without it. Now I dream of going to the northern countries in europe and compete in the most extreme triathlons.
    Much love from Portugal and a major thank you!

  9. Spoiler: I have not, I’ve just had to realign on some significant business priorities (these will become clear soon) this year, and managed my training goals accordingly!

    (Much more context in video and podcast in description)

    Anyway, here’s a Q+A 🤝

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