JHB CBD Fire | Family member searching for loved one

A fire in the Johannesburg CBD has claimed the lives of 73 people. Firefighters rushed to the five-storey building on the corner of …


  1. Death for ANC is Nothing…Rhamaposa has a Minister of Houseing…Minister of Electricity Minister of Home Afairs…He should get a Minister of Promises..These Families should move into Sandton Hotels…Go and Live a Expensive Luxary Life..Goverment give it for FREE…EFF will take these People to Occupy Hotels.

  2. The responsibility for this disaster can be laid squarely at government's door. As usual, they will shed their fake tears and sympathise to the families of those lost, and then it's business as usual.

  3. The city and surrounding areas are the dirtiest they've ever been, decaying and neglected buildings where people live in over crowded filthy conditions and who should we hold accountable for that. You never heard of hijacked buildings years ago, or construction mafia, or kidnappings, or hits the authorities said earlier today that these are all syndicates and what has been done about it, the authorities must also be held accountable for allowing this to go on almost unheeded for years and years and while the lawlessness continues we'll continue to see people suffering, there's no doubt we living in a lawless, immoral society, where our beautiful country has been turned upside down by ruthless, money and power hungry people who have scant regard for others and are using people for profits and it can't be allowed to continue.

  4. City of Johannesburg Emergency Services are under-equipped, under-staffed, under-trained to effectively respond to any of these incidents. Thanks to years of corruption, mismanagement, internal strife and numerous other issues, this once proud fire service has been reduced to nothing other than an embarrassment. It is shameful that these people who are supposed to be the protectors of their communities are so pathetic in the execution of their duties. The traditional bravery and commitment of fire fighters are long gone, along with pride, tradition, commitment, loyalty and brotherhood. Looks like a bunch of Palukas in firefighting uniforms putting out fires with no water to be seen anywhere!

  5. In South Africa death it’s just normal because you have a government that is useless,incompetent crazy country shame this freedom that we wanted has broat us problems shame

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