1. These numbers are from more than 3 years ago.. I like your show bit I think you're a bit delusional if you think he's earning the same money now. With the downfall since then in his relationships and career you can't seriously think he making that sort of money now.

  2. What makes you believe that any significance portion of the TFATK subreddit want to see Bapa go broke and have to get a regular job or end up on the street? Thats one of Bapa's brain dead narratives about his haters. They hate him because he "does stand up and does a free podcast".
    Why would any homeless cat want that?
    What would become of the subreddit we all love? It doesnt make siiince
    Think about it.
    If these people do actually exist, they're such a small insignificance minority that obviously have no fucking since.

  3. The part of the casual "If Joey Diaz go to jail for killing Redbar" had me laughting so f hard ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    But No, on the matter of they on the streets no way even if they try, lets say they could (wich they can't ๐Ÿคฃ, but if they could) ALL of them come from very rich and influential families…
    I agree with you if someone think that that is a possible outcome (witch is f up in itself) they are dreaming…

  4. I think this will be a common agreement. As much as we all feel Brendan is patient zero for Podcast Rot, I, you, I think most, have never given any thought or wishful thinking that his income is as bad as his comedy. Dude has a kid, baby momma, thick gut, people gotta eat.

  5. HAHAHAHA! 8:35 Joey Diaz kills Redbar! I'm actually sitting in my office and my boss is laughing just as hard as me,he doest even know why but its so infectious. Thats so insanly funny to hear..omg! Yes Joey would be enormously famous if he would get out of the slammer! Sorry another thought: You are a nice person with dignity and humor. You couldnt troll as mean spirited as he. Thank god. Thats why you are so loved and respected. You are a nice person

  6. Yes I agree! Not even once did I ever want Brendan to go broke or think he is..that's a different chapter all together. Just like his kids or wife….It should be no ones concern for sure not mine! He is our laughing stock and with that I or we owe him lots of our funniest times we had. Not his money or income or his wife…I really dont think of his money or him getting broke. There is just so much other crap going on that is way more funny…

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