What is CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil? Cannabis? Marijuana?

High CBD oil must be labeled Hemp oil in order to comply with legal labeling. However, it is very different from Hemp Seed Oil.


  1. Hi, can you get CBDA from the plant leaves? If so, why not just use the plant leaves instead of waiting for the plants to flower/bud and extracting?

  2. That's cause most have no clue
    They trimmed even leafs of a healthy plant (that's destroying a plant) & think they'll get more THC (maybe) I use the lower branches to grow my own seeds
    No gemanipulated seed
    No greed
    Only baby feed
    aka organic weed 🙌
    Whats organic or not is decided by laws just cause someone writes bio does not mean its bio
    PS Trust me in most countries noone cares if it's 0.3 THC or 29% THC only pharmaceutical companies do
    In Austria we don't rip people off even large Avenger are cheaper then USA (don't tell Trump this hell Tarif us)
    Maybe one day you can visit Austria cause youll never leave
    It's USA & capatalisim that's the problem how could it be different
    Great videos a bit of culture exchange will not harm ☮️ peace ✌️

  3. I'm on a fact-finding mission for a friend whose dog gets really bad epileptic seizures and they have to keep increasing his phenobarbital.

    … here it is going on 4 in the morning and now I'm more confused than ever… so CBD oil is the kind that is more medicinal yes or no…?

  4. marijuana has no definitive botanical guidelines save for political referencing… the name the government gave cannabis plant to control the plant via reference. any reference to marijuana can be political only… botanical reference is Cannabis from the cannabaceae family

  5. gracias I am beginning to understand will most bottles of CBS oil say it was grown from a flowering sativa plant. and to me the hemp oil sounds like some male cannabis plant usually the fem does not have seeds unless there was some kind of intervention. and what do you think of viva CBS oil 500mg or can you refer a great 99.9 ℅ CBS company?? thanks a lot

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