Cannabis Harvesting: Wet vs Dry Trimming!

To dry, or not to dry your buds before trimming There are two schools of thought when it comes to the best time to trim your buds.


  1. I noticed when it’s wet it’s way more hard to get the small leave an all that an way to much when it’s dried you lose lot of your thc an Flavs if your careful not any I do it over a trim been for hash so none for waist but all what you want

  2. Dry for me. Its also a contamination issue, how clean your hand are, trimmers ect., not to mention you rub off a great deal of trichomes when you handle the buds (gloves or not). Handle it by the stem, dry trim and cure, gives a smoother smoke, less harsh, and you get higher THC because the buds through drying are sucking ALL the nutrients left in the plant for trichome and terpene development. Holding by the stem keeps the trichomes and resin ON THE BUD NOT ON YOUR HANDS OR SCISSORS. And I disagree with hydro, You don't want your flowers to dry quickly, not sure who tells people this, that's just incorrect, ITS PART OF THE CURING PROCESS. If you cant wait just go buy a small sack and give them another week for a much better product.

  3. I do a wet trim first…I find that it makes dry trimming (manicuring) alot easier…that's what works best for me…if I were using a trimmer I would do it the exact opposite to making cleaning the parts would be easier

  4. I believe it is all preference for the grower.. dry trimming takes more work since it is harder to cut the sugar leaves at its base since they fold over the bud as it dries to protect it so the overall look or bag appeal is less appealing whereas wet trimming all the sugar leaves is alot easier since you can easily get to the base of the leaf and cut it and the bag appeal of the buds are amazing…also since the sugar leaves wont be able to cover the bud while it dries the drying time will be decreased.

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