Coffee with MarkZ. 10/19/2023

Be part of the change and defund Globalist corporations! I call for Biden administration to …


  1. Love to listen to your shows. Just need to lwt you know Venezuela is very bad. I have my sister in laws family there tellimg us the hell hole they are stuck in right now. Their Government is way worse than ours. I hope their country goes back to being the beautiful country thery once were. My sister in laws family use to be fairly wealthy but now so.poor family here has to help. Keep up the great daily uodates you are great.

  2. At this point, talking about the crap false flag skirmish in Isreal is futile and divides us and conquers our minds. We really need not to give any opinions. Just like you spoke about this weak leadership. No, there is no leadership here AT ALL. And it's all a Kabuki theater show put on to wake wokies up that is taking for fking forever! Remember it's the military continuity of government going on. And this SHIT can end tomorrow if we FINALLY stop mockingbirds calling each other fake-ass narratives!

  3. The awful markz claiming hamas bombed their own hospital and making political commentary based on "intelligence" innuendo is effin sad.
    He should stay in his lane and keep the pom-poms going for the RV. Although one must admit his "intel" has been scarce for months now.

  4. Almost everyone knows that saying right or yes after a sentence is a sales programming technique. Dr. Zelinko doesn't need this to sell it and it's really irritating.

  5. What do u meanā€¦.. ā€œpeople dont know what to thinkā€ā€¦.. we all have opinionsā€¦. We arenā€™t stupidā€¦.. we are warriors for the American cause each in our own right!!!!! GOD GIVENā€¦.. supported by our constitution recognized or notā€¦. Please do t assume we are all fearful robots

  6. People are still sleep walking it seems! Obama and Joey have been executed, Obama isn't on any earpiece in any basement! It's time to awaken from the MSM induced coma !

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