Do this everyday to heal your mind and body | Dr. Daniel Amen

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  1. He also seems to know very little about psychedelics to imply they are a fad, because he doesn't currently make money from it. Notice he says "why don't we try the easy things first like breathing" but he sells supplements he is invested in. Also conflating them with opiates or any addictive drug is very misguided especially when we have so much evidence and experience with them.

  2. Sorry Dr but using Elon Musk as an example of autism is misguided- he has never actually created anything, he bought already successful companies because is family is involved in Emerald Mines, his employees do the work. You should know when someone is a narcissist especially when their words and behaviours are damaging to politics and minorities because he purposefully toys with susceptible people and feeds extremism

  3. I’ve always wondered where you have learned so much about mental health! Now I know! Dr Amen is brilliant. Laura you are a great example and role model of his teachings. I hope you have him on more to educate people about brain health! I sure learned a lot!!!

  4. Thanks for this episode… I have been following suggestions for 2 month and my life has been better every single day.

    And this podcast has been very productive for me. My brain works like Laura's and got lot of suggestions. Thanks..

  5. Great interview, Laura. I first heard about Dr Amen and his SPECT scans when I was in grad school in 2005 – 2007. Very fascinating and helpful for my field of counseling psychology (psychotherapy). And over the years he got more into the health aspect of helping the brain. Very fascinating and it really works, but you have to work at it! You absolutely must do the work to see results.

  6. I’d like to know more about how much football causes trauma to the brain. My Dad signed me up for little league at the age of 8 on an all boys team. I played for 5 years (quarterback and middle linebacker). I’ve had a lot of hard hits. Then, as an adult, I played women’s professional football for five years around the age of 30. Again, playing outside linebacker and defensive end. I have had multiple concussions and sometimes I worry that I have CTE because of my depression and suicidal ideation. I wonder how much of that has come from me playing a lot of football. I also played basketball my entire life and played in college but I don’t think that is as bad on your brain as football. My brother just had triplets a couple years ago and he said that he would never sign them up for football. That’s probably a good thing even though football does teach you to be very disciplined.

  7. The misogyny (god hates him for surrounding him with women??) and conditional love (will only raise/support niece if she follows his rules–rules I happen to agree with just not the 'or you're out' messaging) is gross.

  8. I don’t understand the people saying it’s pseudo-science or quackery? He said eat right and exercise and your health will improve, that’s definitely 100% backed by science. This is my first time hearing Dr. Amen so I’m unaware of anything outside this one podcast but I wish people would explain their stances with facts/examples vs just stating an opinion. But based on this – eating healthy, having a positive outlook, drinking water, exercising… sounds right to me.

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