1. The DA John Flynn needs a new job when his prosecutor spends over 4 months prosecuting a senior citizen who was accused of leaving a nasty note by a drug addict who sees and hears things like the call where he saw blood all over and a dead body. That is what our police state has become. The Amherst PD also obstructed justice by not viewing video that without doubt proves the drug addict lied and the senior citizen he accused was completely innocent. Click here to see police and EMS calls for the drug addict. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K-cUEpBTF_jehZyCy_L0Punk2DNcFNhj/view?usp=drive_link
    The police risks lives of innocent tax payers while responding to crazy calls for a self-admitted illegal drug user and what does the Amherst PD do, they use him to go after a person who has no criminal record and the county prosecutes him for over 4 months. I have to wonder why the news does not want to investigate this.

  2. She is inexperienced in politics, busy with a business and family along with a less then public speaker , she is struggling , terrible awkward , she seems bitter , gruff . Simply saying “ we have to get serious “ is NOT a solution

    Is this the only opponent that came forward ?

    These two ? He’s going to get a 4th term

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