Governor Sakaja orders hawkers to keep off roads in Nairobi CBD

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has issued a directive prohibiting any hawking activities along major streets within the heart of …


  1. Sakaja move is based of the visiting king of England
    Sakaja wacha tu tukuache we will deal with you after the king is gone
    Tutachunguza kila kitu
    Me asked after the king is gone
    Hawkers will be back undistabed

    The problem here is the king heriko
    Angekaa tu huko kwao nyumbani
    Mmmh jamaa anakuja tu kutuvuruga akili bure ati king
    King mbuzi
    Charlse killed his wife diana for a slut camila
    The then threw harry out
    The motha faka then poisoned queen Elizabeth
    He is not welcomed in Kenya
    The dude is a criminal

  2. During Kibaki’s term of office, these hawkers were not on the streets and it’s only that time that Kenya was at it’s best. This is impunity and selfishness. So it’s only hawkers who voted so that they can be allowed to make the lives of everyone else a living hell???

  3. Open up the empty malls for the hawkers and leave the sidewalks for pedestrians. This is a major problem for most African countries that have allowed open air markets to flourish.

  4. This idiot,are you out of your senses .What will people eat if you're denying them to work.Most of the people in town are hawkers and it's from this that they get food,rent and clothes.Youve woken up with sleepy head and you can't think.Tumia akili bwana

  5. I don't understand why the government always let people establish themselves then come and destabilize them. Badi had already solved this before Sakaja took over. The city was very organized. Sakaja slept on the job or maybe he wanted to please those who voted for him. Now they have to spend time and money on relocation on a problem that they created. Kwani he could not just appreciate what Badi did and improve it. No he had to repeal what was done then redo it so that come 2027 he can say that he did something. Sad situation in Kenya where one leader creates a problem then wants people to applaud them as they waste precious time and money solving what had already been solved by the previous leader. Hii ni rant. This cycle is tiresome. Despite that we still keep electing people who are not forward thinkers. People who can't even acknowledge the good things that a previous leader did which shows that they are willing to continue where the transformation was left. Hii gava imetuchosha, it doesn't even matter which political party they belong to.

    We should stop applauding politicians for solving problems that they have created. The applause acts as an incentive for them to keep creating problems which means there will be no significant progress in the end. Hopefully time is up for such politicians.

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