Pa. lawmakers eye liberalization of medical marijuana rules October 27, 2023 admin Recreational Marijuana 9 Pennsylvania state senators began advancing legislation that would liberalize the state’s 5-year-old medical marijuana program …
Quit beating around the bush and fall in line with the rest of recreational use states! Watch! Cannabis will be legalized for recreational use federally before PA does it. That's how draconic this state is. Reply
of course Pa is last in line !
Pa. Is behind make it legal
Pennsylvania's definitely way behind our bordering states. We need to go recreational ASAP.
Need those democratic voted for 2023. We will definitely be screwed.
They first guy interviewed is a real looker!
ππππ yea that's just what that state needs.
Make it leagal without license yeah imagine the parent messing up and giving their kids weed
Quit beating around the bush and fall in line with the rest of recreational use states! Watch! Cannabis will be legalized for recreational use federally before PA does it. That's how draconic this state is.
Its a trick to get you to give up your right to own a firearm