These 12 Yr. Old Girls Almost Killed Their Friend Over A Creepypasta Internet Meme

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  1. So chilling how children can do this to each other. Iā€™m glad they got charged as adults but I hate that Anissa is out right now. She should have spent more time locked up. So scary. Iā€™m so glad Payton lived and is living her life to the fullest.

  2. I think all adults who are active in the lives of children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, and more, need to teach the children in their about internet safety and be a safe sounding board for them to talk about things they see online or in movies and such. I have made sure my son as well as other kids in my life know they can talk to me about something they find online either by accident or something they personally searched out. We need to make sure kids understand that real life and games, movies, music and such are very different. In real life we donā€™t respawn after dying, we are not superheroes who can survive being shot, we canā€™t fly and so on. Even from an early age. How many kids have died from jumping off building thinking they can fly? How many have died from Tik Tok challenges? Sadly kids are not the only victims of such things. So take it serious and talk it over if someone asks if something they saw online or in game is real. I use to work in health care and had some interesting conversations about what is possible and what is not.

  3. As a parent this terrifies me in so many ways. Especially having daughters that are the same age. I canā€™t imagine sending my child to a birthday sleepover with her friends and then finding out her friends had done that to her šŸ˜¢

  4. I worked home health with a young lady that had schizophrenia. She was also diagnosed at 12. From what I was told by her psychiatrist, the earlier they are diagnosed, the worse their symptoms will get as they age. There is no cure, the only hope is to have a calm few months after a med change until it gets worse again.

  5. Call it what you want but, the experiences I had growing up Were REAL! And even when I lived there later, when my Kids were small, it was terrible and creepy and frightening on occasion. Not all the time but when the Demon of the Portal was stopping by, It Got REAL!

  6. 2:31 thatā€™s what happens when you are living the left life ya think itā€™s safe until it isnā€™t Iā€™m sorry for the experience: youā€™re not far from the boarder & is Colorado a blue state? I imagine it is.

  7. I'm struggling with this one. I think the punishment crosses the line into blaming someone for their mental health condition. I honestly think her parents May bear some responsibility, how did they not recognize any of this going on? I think treatment and Rehabilitation should be the priority for these girls rather than punishment. This is something I have struggled with for a while.

  8. Bbbbboooo that you donā€™t mail to Canada ! You have lots of fans here, get on that!
    Also, just fyi your poster is almost identical to Mr Ballenā€™s. Iā€™d be switching that up.
    Love you guys

  9. I am a parent to 2 girls (3 and 5) and I have always told them that Santa and the Easter bunny are actually me. I explain to them thatā€™s itā€™s fun to play, like when you pretend youā€™re Elsa and have ice magic. But itā€™s actually their parents just doing a fun thing with kids. But I do think when the kids eventually find out itā€™s not real, on some level subconsciously they remember that their parents ā€œfooledā€ them in some way.

  10. It's very difficult to diagnose mental illness in children for just the reason you said–kids are weird.

    And this is going to be a VERY unpopular opinion, but I believe that if you have a mental illness–especially a hardcore one like schizophrenia–DON'T HAVE KIDS. Why would you want to possibly pass that on to someone else? If you want to be a parent, ADOPT.

  11. Morgan seems to be speaking to the interrogator as if sheā€™s a character in a creepy pasta story who had been caught by police. Itā€™s clear she cannot distinguish stories from reality šŸ˜¢

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