1. I disagree with assesment about the ticket. The fact is he was driving with his high beams and has a headlight out. Those are infractions. It doesnt matter that the thing that caught his attention was the registration. A cop may pull you over for speeding, upon stoping he may notice you have a break light out, he would be well within his right to cite you for your brake light.

    As for the stuff they did. I agree its not cool. Its happened to me numerous times, several ive had nothing on me(one time i was on my way to my dealers house), and others where i did and didnt get caught, and others where i did and didnt get caught. I think this cop should be looked in to. If he has a habit of doing this, then he needs to be called out, if he doesnt normally do this then there may very well have been something that drew his attention to the man, behavior, what he said, how he was acting, etc… Because if he was a bad cop who profiles, this would be an every day occurrence, if its not, maybe hes legit. I dont have enough information to say.

  2. America is a police state. Make no mistake. It's not a matter of if this will happen to you, it's a matter of when… There is no victim (except for this dude they're hemming up!) there is no crime (except the many the cops are commiting)! We've been so copigandized that we're sympathysizing* with our abuser!!! Learn your right's then stand on them 🗽 or you have no right's 🗽!!! Invoke your 5th amendment right (out loud) to shut the flip up & then shut the flip up! Zip it!!! Bite your tongue. Police are NOT your friends. Every word you say will be twisted & held against you! Hear me now, believe me later! Ignorance of your right's or the law is no excuse & won't stand up in court… unless you're the government sanctioned criminals aka the police! They will only extort and enslave you the people. They're just doing their job? Just following orders? Yeah, every genocide in history started with, "just doing my job, just following orders…!!!"
    You can never comply your way out of abuse, you can only comply your way into abuse.
    That's a fact!!! Jack.

  3. You should do a service man! Make some money for helping people!

    I know there's laws.

    Perhaps people could pay you with a video request and you could make a video for their payment?

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