BuildASoil: HOW WE PROCESS AND TRIM (Season 3, Episode 26)

Episode 26, Season 3 Today we are showing you our workflow for trimming and processing the plants once they have achieved a …


  1. 11:08 because of fires??? Bro you said ā€œI donā€™t really like bud washing, especially indoor, because of ā€˜firesā€™ and other reasonsā€ and then just described someone dunking and hanging their plantsā€¦ can you explain more about why you donā€™t like bud washing? What are you talking about with fires? I wash my buds every time and I grow indoors and the amount of dirt that comes off one plant is astounding. Itā€™s this reason Iā€™ll never not wash my buds. Iā€™m not going to spend all this time/energy growing the best cannabis I can and then not take 15 minutes to rinse 4-5 months of dirt/hair/dust off my flower.

  2. I'm about to harvest my first medical grow out of my 5×5 thanks to creators such as yourself MrCanuck and Dakota. Never thought I'd live to see the day when information of this sort could be shared so openly. I've already used information I've learned to help buddies at work start their own journeys. We've come so far in my lifetime and have just scratched the surface on what this wonderful gift from mother nature can do. Thank you for taking the time and going through all the hassle of putting these together for us. My next hit is for you.

  3. This is great advice. I grow outside and always plant a few extras in case some of them get ruined by rot or infestation. But when they all survive I end up with way too much and face the trimming dilemma of wanting to make them all perfect. I trim up some really nice that I will give away to friends then the rest remains a little leafy. I use the trimmings and the little inner buds for making oil.

  4. Your content has been very informative and helpful for me as a new grower. My first experience was about as crap as you could imagine. Four outdoor plants given to us of untold age, all but one hermies. Used Switch to salvage what we could, but in that, the female of course was pollinated. The heat and the wind stressed the plants almost the entire grow, it was a daily struggle to keep them alive and healthy, and in the end, it was almost a wasted effort completely due to the impact on the yield, and the amount of seeds I have never ever seen as many in anyoneā€™s flowers , as we have in ours. I thoroughly enjoyed the gardening aspects of the process, but ultimately I think it is better left to the pros than to me

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