1. microdosing is the key, i put about a pill size of weed on my pipe and that lasts me for 2 doses, 1 hit each time. makes me feel motivated and makes me notice all my doom piles, also makes me want to go out of my house, take a walk with my dog and even socialize. doses higher than that will usually give me really bad anxiety and emotional distress and worsen my adhd

  2. Idk if this is my addiction talkin, but I genuinely feel like I’m more productive when I’m smoking, I don’t need to be completely faded, just a little toke and I’m already cleaning my room, showering, doing chores, homework, etc.
    Idk if it could be also because I started smoking at a young age so maybe my body is used to the weed chemicals so for it to feel normal it feels like I need it? Idk sometimes I feel like I’m just making excuses for my addiction but other times I think “hey if there’s people taking aderall, then what’s wrong with microdosing weed?”

  3. Only in the smallest of nibbles from my edible collection throughout the day.
    I leave the bigger piece for night so I can sleep very well OR have an awesome all-nighter for weekends

  4. I smoke weed for about 15 years and got diagnosed 2 or 3 years ago. Sure, it might have those downsides, but it seems to be the only thing that helps me handle anxiety while keeping me productive instead of feeling like a zombie. If someone knows something that works just as well, please tell me what it is.

    Also, I feel much more motivated now than I felt when I was a teenager before smoking weed for the first time

  5. In my experience, it can definitely be helpful for focusing on "on hands tasks" such as doing dishes and laundry if you're in the right headspace for it. The way I'd put it is that the dissociation separates my nagging mind from putting off the task to do some other activity. Keeps me in the moment.

  6. My issue is that cannabis deposits tar in my lungs. My lungs are incredibly sensitive to inhaling combusted plant matter. My body simply tells me "No" and so I must listen. Unfortunately, I also happen to be one of the few who don't feel effects from edible or tincture camnabis. I can take 500 milligrams and then completely forget because I feel nothing, and it has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance because 1 puff of smoke sends me to the moon.

    I was recently diagnosed with ADHD at age 36, and I am looking into microdosing natural psilocybin as an alternative to a pharmaceutical stimulant like Adderall. I can't get past the thought that it's poison. But at this point the ADHD is taking over my life, I can't read 3 sentences in a book I desperately want to read, and this aspect of my life has become torturous. I am willing to take Adderall to stop this madness and make my brain SHUT UP

  7. How can smoking weed fuck with yo motivation if I’m motivated to buy a mansion to smoke my weed in !? Y’all corny and believe anything the white man put in a fucking book 📖 cringe 😬 💯💨💨💨💨💨💨

  8. I found a strain that I would take occasionally when I had a ton to get done that worked as well as my stimulants do now, maybe even better cause I would enjoy mundane chores as well. I was so happy to have my medical card and be able to keep it together til I got my neuropsych assessment for ADHD and got medicated.

  9. I Know this vid is old but i hope someone still sees this.

    Taking cannabis as a medication is VERY different from recreational use. I'm vaping 0.5 g dry herbs a day (prescribed). 5 x 0.1 g throughout the day. Sure you feel a certain "drag" for the first few days but that subsides.

    If you refuse to see cannabis as a potential medication for you because "you know how it makes you feel" you probably didn't every consider actually using it as medicine.

    Using once a day for example, could have a ton of side effects while MORE sessions per day with a smaller dosage can actually mitigate the effect.

    Smoking joints btw is not a proper form of medicating. The heat of the fire destroys terpenes wich are essential for most medical effects. Use a dry herb vaporizer.

  10. I smoke 24/7 and i know its an addiction😂 but i am a hard worker, and it helps me concentrating so much. Every adhd medication, totally destoyed my creativity… and as a florist crrativity is the key of your sucsess… i mean yea im definetly in some situations slower than someone else. But when it comes to real work, i am productive as hell, cause i can use the full potential of my hyperfocus

  11. Cannabis or really an indica strain just helps us relax and not worry about switching the hyper focus, quiets the constant thoughts of everything. Sativa will give you energy and make you feel more normal so it depends on what strain it is, whether you want to relax or have energy

  12. I am someone who has ADHD. I did it, and it negatively affected my performance in everything. I didn't feel like the same person I was before smoking Marijuana. If you have ADHD DO NOT SMOKE IT.

  13. I have severe adhd and social anxiety. I was a homeless drunk drug addiction as well. Now I smoke weed all day at home work full time at night"stoned" and am the happiest dude ever. Trust me do it! It helps with everything and who doesn't love food. Helps with that too😊

  14. Using small amounts. I use it once a month. Motivation, stress, anxiety, and emotional regulation have improved. I can play and have more patience with my son. I was so against it for so long and want to cry that it is something that works for me with moderation.

  15. For me Sativa was the best choice of strain for adhd. It keeps me positive and focused while indica makes me adhd worse making my energy negative and my head and body is just in space. I’ve been doing my own experiments and Sativa is best for me. At first I was planning to quit but after making the switch I feel great

  16. Thank you for this straight forward video without a thumbnail that looked like it was pulled from a devil weed psa from 1950. I find weed helps me get through difficult situations when I'm out of my meds. I wouldn't try it as a daily therapeutic tho.

  17. The reason there is no evidence based information is because it has only recently been allowed to be studied and not criminalized. We have a long way to go, and the studies this far are promising. We just need more.

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