1. What is the purpose of our existence? Is it simply to have a good job, build a family, and enjoy life? Is that all there is? Certainly not. We’re made for so much more. Your purpose is to know God. After we die, the Bible says we’ll face God as our Judge. Have you ever rebelled (sinned) against God? Examine yourself by God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie? Ever stolen (the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” In God’s courtroom, our sins are very serious crimes. They’re so evil that the just punishment is death and eternity in a terrible place called Hell.

    The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He is rich in mercy and provided a Savior: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the death penalty for sinners. He then rose from the dead three days later, defeating death. Hundreds saw Him after His resurrection; it’s no fairy tale. Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies about the promised Savior, written in the Holy Scriptures hundreds of years before His birth.

    Religious rites, sacred traditions, or attending church can’t save you. Salvation is a free gift of God that you can’t earn. To know God and have your sins forgiven, do what the Bible says: repent and believe. Trust in Jesus as you’d trust in a parachute—don’t just “believe” it can save you, put it on and cling to it with all of your being. Wholeheartedly commit yourself to following Christ, and turn your back on sin. Then show your gratitude by obeying His command to be baptized. Be sure to also join a Christian church and read the Bible daily. God will never let you down.

  2. We've had similar products in Florida dispensaries since I became a patient in 2017. We have a variety of options now in various different ratios & milligrams also different types of fast acting and slow release tablets and capsules. For someone with multiple chronic illnesses including a genetic disorder and multiple autoimmune diseases. Tablets and Capsules are my main choice for medicating with my medical marijuana. I also use some sort of inhalation device for fast acting relief as well. Oral consumption is about 70% of my medication with inhalation at 20% and topical at 10%. I wish more people understood all the different options available for medical marijuana products now a days. There's so much more than just smoking flower. You don't have to ever smoke if you don't want to.

  3. Dude I felt like Winnie the pooh taking 1 to 1 capsules the next day I was still giggling like a school boy haven't felt that relief in 15yrs running the opiate and benzo Dr's I was me again I've been a medical patient for 5yrs in CT got my tolerance down and getting more 1 to 1 today its 25mg cbd 22thc so they strong ill try not to take all 10 at once this time but ya I could stop my benzos on this shit without my meds I was laughing usually be crying was unreal

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