Snoop Dogg just quit smoking – here's what I think's going on – Dr Boyce Watkins

This is an all-black news and commentary channel that features a number of African American thinkers, commentators and …


  1. This video serves as a perfect example of why people need to stop making content based on the speculations of other people’s lives. It was a marketing stunt! Plain and simple. There are plenty of vices that are abused but the simple act of smoking weed isn’t an automatic sign of an unhealthy or unproductive lifestyle.

  2. The reason the culture is toxic is because it is disconnected from morality. The reason for this is because many African Americans have gradually lost touch with their Christian roots. They have become secularised. So all the traditional values are either ignored or forgotten in favor degeneracy and tribalism. There also seems to an emphasis on race and color rather than culture, values and religion. One has been replaced with the other, rather than as basis of the other. In other words, ethnos has been disconnected from logos (the word). Im using Christian terminology since most African Americans come from a Christian tradition based on the new testament. So many of us has thrown out the baby with the bathwater due to belief that religion is a white man's tool of oppression.

  3. No, not dysfunctional when it's true. Your quoting wrong. It is hoes out there big time. Stop hating, and you're old and out of touch. You don't have to listen to it. It's a choice. Pick another topic to research, not hip hop sir.

  4. It's the game. 'Never get high on your own supply'. You always make more money when you don't use. Don't ask me how I know. Sending💖 to all my players from the group home. 😎

  5. Hip Hop morphed into a mostly horrid thing called Rap. Now it’s gone somewhere completely so out there I can’t listen more than 60 seconds. It’s by design. It targeted and still targets the Black youth so they believe drugs, violence, rep, fake territory, and sexual conquest of women is glamorous and attractive. The fact is it’s skyrocketed the black on black crime and filled the prison industrial complex. Look at who invested in those companies associated with prisons. This is big money…keep rapping fools, you’re nothing but a puppet.

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