The 10-Day Detox: How To Heal The Body Through A Diet & Lifestyle Reset | Dr. Mark Hyman

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  1. There is not A SINGLE SOLITARY affordable item from your list for the statistically least healthy people as DIRECT RESULT OF UNHEALTHY CORPORATE FOOD. This is a RICH MAN'S grocery list. 6 oz. of organic blueberries is over 3$, the oils you mention are 12, 15, even 20 for a 20 oz. bottle. the eggs over 6$ a dozen and on and on….. You might as well tell someone on food stamps or social security to invest in gold futures! How about a little research for people barely scraping buy and can't afford health insurance who would BENEFIT MOST from these changes??????????????

  2. Lots of meat in this diet. Oils Eggs. Check with Dr Essylstyn Dr Gregor Dr Colin Campbell. Dr Ornish.
    This diet is not healthy for heart disease our number one killer in America.

  3. Although, I agree with most of this, I have issue with the mostly veggies and lots of fibre. We should be cognizant of the type of veggies we eat. Not all are good for us. Some do us more harm than good, such as leaves; spinach and kale and swiss chard, etc. They have many anti nutrients.
    Fibre is also a nutrient blocker and actually causes constipation. Fibre is also hard on the colon and can increase the risk of colon cancer.

  4. Below is a summary:

    Dr. Mark Hyman discusses his 10-day detox program, which is designed to reset the body by removing harmful foods and replacing them with beneficial ones. The program is based on the principle that food is medicine, providing not just energy but also instructions that program our biology. By eating the right foods, we can regulate gene expression, hormones, brain chemistry, the immune system, and the microbiome.

    *Key Pillars of the 10-Day Detox Program:*

    1. *Eat Real Food:* The diet focuses on consuming whole foods like non-starchy vegetables, good fats, fiber, and clean protein. This includes a variety of vegetables, avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and proteins like grass-fed meat and organic plant-based options like tempeh.

    2. *Remove Inflammatory Foods:* The detox involves eliminating foods that cause inflammation, such as processed foods, sugar, dairy, coffee, gluten, alcohol, and most grains and beans.

    3. *Daily Habits:* Establishing a pattern of eating and living that puts the body back in rhythm is crucial. This includes eating within a 10 to 12-hour window and fasting overnight for 12 to 14 hours, as well as ensuring quality sleep and regular sleep patterns.

    4. *Supplementation:* Dr. Hyman suggests that even with a perfect diet, supplementation is necessary due to the reduced nutrient density of modern food. Recommended supplements include a multivitamin, magnesium, vitamin D, and possibly fish oil.

    *Program Steps:*

    1. *Follow the Approved Food List:* For 10 days, stick to the foods recommended by the detox program.

    2. *Commit to Daily Habits:* Choose a new eating window, avoid snacking before bed, and establish a consistent bedtime routine.

    3. *Add Supplements:* While optional, supplements can support the detox process.

    *Post-Detox Guidance:*

    After completing the detox, reintroducing foods should be done carefully to avoid adverse reactions. Dr. Hyman advises continuing the principles of the detox if it yields positive results and transitioning to a more flexible diet, such as the pegan diet, over time.


    Dr. Hyman emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and using the detox as a way to understand how food impacts health. He encourages doing the detox with a friend or group for accountability and better success rates.

  5. I started out with 10 Day Detox way back some 20 yrs ago. It did wonders for me. This came about AFTER I was healed of Systemic Lupus… originally I was given 6 months to live. I changed my diet & back in the 90's organic was rarely seen anywhere… but I stopped all prepackaged foods, WHOLE FOODS ONLY… & as Organic became more plentiful I switched. I always ate ocean fresh fish and now it is harder to find because of "sustainabity" poisoning the fish. Even Norway has a BIG problem with their farmed fish developing serious disease. So ya gotta be informed.

    Because of all the meds I took for 7 yrs… Prednisone @60mg daily, Imuran, Plaquenil, and that "lovely" purple pill that kills your gut.

    Recovering from this damage has been a HUGE effort. I had a serious case of Candida, finally found a doctor who got me fixed up… and in 3 weeks I dropped 35 pounds… candida prevents weightloss PLUS a whole host of other illnesses. 6 weeks of that cleanse I dropped 55 pounds. #TRUTH!!!

    NOW because still lingering issues, I am considering switching to TOTALLY Plant Based… get rid of RED MEATS even though I know where my beef comes from & they are VERY reputable. AND… I LIVE a good burger or steak. I rarely eat beef now but need to wipe out animal protein to reverse these conditions!

    @Dr. Mark Hyman… do you have a plant based diet plan?

  6. I am just starting my journey as my health has taken a turn for the worst. Regarding vitamins is there a brand and units that should be taken?
    Type 2 dieabetic and inflamed pancreas with cysts….

  7. When you have all the symptoms he named but doctor says “labs all came back normal” they barely test anything and the results will say low but they say it’s normal. 😅 my doctor wouldn’t even test my vitamin D when I asked. I am miserable 😖

  8. Hey doc,can you make a video about how to manage ibs ,cause i have got ibs with constipation ,i have increased apetite and frequet urination as a symptom of ,i feel hungry and weak even after having meal .Why is this happening ?? Can it be healed?
    Is frequent urination caused by ibs?
    Done every test for urination problem nth is wrong.

  9. I knew I was sensitive to certain foods as a kid, but they don't test anymore. I developed autoimmune disease 5 years ago after a prolonged horrible diet. I stopped eating sugar and flour and my acne is gone. Added green smoothies and eye flashes are almost completely gone.

  10. I hear you talk about how important breakfast is.
    Im 50 yr old and ma in ketosis for a short period of time every day.
    I also skip breakfast and eat lunch amd dinner. Can you talk about how Human growth hormone protects muscle mass while I'm skipping breakfast?

  11. Suggestion for video: comment on Harvard study regarding red meat and type 2 diabetes. They found that people who ate the most red meat had a 62 percent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who ate the least meat.

  12. I love when I can check every box as you go down the list. I did a reset five months ago with a functional medicine dietician (with much thanks to you) and I feel so much better I'm NEVER tempted to add back in dairy, sugar, grains, or anything processed even in small doses.

    People tell me you're so disciplined. I say no it's simple, I want to feel good all day everyday. There is nothing in a a moment that is worth paying for later.

  13. 0:21: 🥦 Eating real, whole food is the foundation of the 10-day Deo program, which can lead to a 70% reduction in symptoms of all diseases.
    3:20: 💡 The video discusses the importance of the 10-day detox diet in improving overall health and addressing various symptoms and conditions.
    7:05: ! Eating habits and timing are important for resetting your system and improving health.
    10:01: 💡 The video discusses the importance of winding down before bed, the need for nutrient-dense foods, and the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies in Americans.
    13:24: 🥦 The video discusses what foods to eat and avoid for a healthy diet.
    17:12: 🥦 The speaker discusses various vegetables and their recommended consumption limits, as well as guidelines for dairy and beans.
    20:29: 🥦 The speaker discusses the benefits of the 10-day detox diet and the possibility of transitioning to the pegan diet for long-term health.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  14. Pasteurized eggs? never saw in the market in Canada .. Costco,
    save on food, thrifty and so on super market there are organic, free run , veggie feed but not pasteurized !! What hell you guys find it ?

  15. Why do you keep talking about soy is ok? It's not. Whatever insecticide is used on it , it absorbs and it stays in the soy and when you eat it you are poisoning yourself. And it dose have an affect on males . Ask yourself this, " why are they putting soy in just about every food produced?" And finding organic soy is practically impossible

  16. 20 years ago I started a 10 day distilled water fast, allowing only lemon water – not lemon aid. I also used a s Detox by Flora and on day 7, I stood up and all of my aches and pain was 100% gone. It took me 3 days to learn to walk properly as my knees would come up to my hips – like a puppet. I was 95% vegetarian at the time also. I was back to pain etc at about 2 weeks. No more vegan after that either. I should try again and do an food elimination thing perhaps. I now know that Whole Grain wheat etc is bad for me as I can tell in about 2-3 days.

  17. America has the most aberrant and negligent food industry standards, which coincides with America being the #1 country suffering from health problems.
    And its all sourced back to the food. The FDA are in the pockets of politicians, and politicians are in the pockets of businesses and industries, and the industries are in the pockets of the main branch government, the people you don't get to see on tv. And it all comes down to keep people sick and in low energy to be able to control the population for efficiently, and to make lots of money out of peoples negligent ignorant non educated food habits. the medical industry makes trillions on a yearly basis from peoples diseases, which is all mostly having to do with the food were eating, and they are tricking people with throuhg marketing and false propaganda.

  18. So many people report issues of pain in joints, GI system and general body aches are triggered by plant foods.
    Have you considered or studied a plant detox for elimination purposes? I know we can just do it, but you may have access to more data to support or discourage this. Please and thanks

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