Cindy, My thoughts and prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery and you get home as soon as possible. Isn't Lester a Honey?!?! He sure is a Sweetheart to humans and animals, and it is to bad there aren't more men out there like Lester!! I agree with you about Stella, having a special place in your heart for her!! She is amazing from when they picked her up to this day! Taking care of the babies sure helps out Lester and Jami !!! Take Care. Stay Positive! May God Bless you !! ♥️
Prayers for Ms. Cindy. I believe in CBD, I started using CBD ointment about 7 months ago on my bad knee. It’s 6,000 mg and it’s the only thing that helps!!!
Lester I cried so hard watching Ms Cindy watching the pups. It really grabbed my heart because I feel that way about all of your babies especially Ruby and Waylon and Tex. Heck I love them all. I especially love you and Jami you two are special people
Yes PLEASE LORD BE WITH MISS CINDY AND FAMILY!! Please don't let her suffer she is so beautiful and her love for the babies Lester and Jami will always remember you!
Hello sweet Ringo! Hey Lester and Jami it is more then OK to give it everyday!! And because of his weight you can give him double 300 MG I can guarantee it will do better. Lee Asher uses it on a very old dog but when she was younger she was abused and given CBD oil and 100% better just like a new puppy many stories and soon you will have your miracle stories with Ringo
I'll be praying for Cindy. I'm glad that your videos help give her something to look forward to watching and hopefully she gets some peace, too. I've missed a bunch of your videos, so I've missed how you got Sandi (I think that's her name), the one you said that you had to kidnap. What's her story or is there a video you can share to me about her?
Stella and Christmas will always have a special place in my heart to. To watch Stella go from the condition she was in, to the beautifully health happy dog she is today.
Hey Cindy Sending healing thoughts to you from Canada. Hope you feel better soon. I, too, love watching the dogs as well as the other animals. It is a joy to watch them being cared for by loving humans like Jami and Lester. Best wishes.
Jamie you are dressed fine we all know you are on s farm lol!!!
Hello. Can you put some heat Suave on a cotton wrap around his knees. Like Vicks. It works on my knees.
Hi Miss Cindy, praying
for you and your family.
Lester, dang it, you are always making my eyes leak. You have a beautiful heart.
God bless you Cindy

praying for healing.
Prayers for Cindy
My little Pom gets it twice a day on treats 2 drops For seizures
Blessings and healing for Miss Cindy!
Have you tried glucosamine chondroitin?
Praying for you Mrs. Cindy. I hope you’re able to be home soon.
Know that Im praying for you Miss Cindy!!
Miss Cindy I hope you feel better soon . Healing prayers for you
Cindy, My thoughts and prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery and you get home as soon as possible. Isn't Lester a Honey?!?! He sure is a Sweetheart to humans and animals, and it is to bad there aren't more men out there like Lester!! I agree with you about Stella, having a special place in your heart for her!! She is amazing from when they picked her up to this day! Taking care of the babies sure helps out Lester and Jami !!! Take Care. Stay Positive! May God Bless you !!

May God place his healing hand upon Miss Cindy Amen

Is there a NSAID for goats? Could the vet prescribe some to help with his pain?
Oh my, I just LOVE Ms Stella
she certainly has her groove back. Ms Cindy, I pray God blesses you with healing and comfort

Prayers for Ms. Cindy. I believe in CBD, I started using CBD ointment about 7 months ago on my bad knee. It’s 6,000 mg and it’s the only thing that helps!!!
Ms Cindy, I am sending positive thoughts and gentle hugs your way. I truly hope you get better soon.

Feel better miss Cindy
No ! trixi, Stella and Christmas are the babysitter and Sandy just might be your best cattle hearder in due time
Lester I cried so hard watching Ms Cindy watching the pups. It really grabbed my heart because I feel that way about all of your babies especially Ruby and Waylon and Tex. Heck I love them all. I especially love you and Jami you two are special people

Miss Cindy is definitely in our prayers
healing for her in Jesus name 
Yes PLEASE LORD BE WITH MISS CINDY AND FAMILY!! Please don't let her suffer she is so beautiful and her love for the babies Lester and Jami will always remember you!
Miss Cindy sending prayers for you!
Hello sweet Ringo! Hey Lester and Jami it is more then OK to give it everyday!! And because of his weight you can give him double 300 MG I can guarantee it will do better. Lee Asher uses it on a very old dog but when she was younger she was abused and given CBD oil and 100% better just like a new puppy many stories and soon you will have your miracle stories with Ringo
I'll be praying for Cindy. I'm glad that your videos help give her something to look forward to watching and hopefully she gets some peace, too. I've missed a bunch of your videos, so I've missed how you got Sandi (I think that's her name), the one you said that you had to kidnap. What's her story or is there a video you can share to me about her?
Are y'all going to do DNA testing on Sandy?
I adore how you care for your babies!!!

Stella and Christmas will always have a special place in my heart to. To watch Stella go from the condition she was in, to the beautifully health happy dog she is today.

Hey Cindy Sending healing thoughts to you from Canada. Hope you feel better soon. I, too, love watching the dogs as well as the other animals. It is a joy to watch them being cared for by loving humans like Jami and Lester. Best wishes.

Bless you Cindy hope you are feeling better. Stella is a love bug and shows her gratitude to her loving family
Saying a prayer for miss Cindy. I too have a soft spot for Stella. What an amazing transformation.
Thank you Lester.

Your dogs always look so clean!♥️
How often do you bath all your dogs? Is there a recommended limit to how often different breeds can be bathed?