Tryna quit fentanyl rn hardest thing I ever done bro I never thought I’d get instantly addicted when I tried it first it’s completely ruined my life Reply
New Year’s resolution is to take at least a month off. Been smokin all day erryday for 7+ years Reply
Tryna quit fentanyl rn hardest thing I ever done bro I never thought I’d get instantly addicted when I tried it first it’s completely ruined my life
I gotta quit for the military but I grow n harvest just happened 😭😫
Trana stop bro but idk
Man been smoking for 2 years I got 2 bad panic attacks and that was enough for me to quit
Feel u bro
Sober from weed for 2 years now, thanks for posting this
New Year’s resolution is to take at least a month off. Been smokin all day erryday for 7+ years
Respect homie