1. 7:14 completely disagree, zaza cured my depression and the only problems i face now is being smart when high and not doing anything that might make me unhappy and the problem of not affording how much i want to have. Cbd Bro is a great youtuber and i genuinely laughed at 7:14

  2. I agree with all except the variety one.. Yes you have different strains and different ways to consume it but imo that cannot compared to the huge variety of alcoholic beverages that we have around the world and the very different taste they have (for example the taste of whiskey and beer is totally different), not to mention the huge amount of cocktails one can create, or the different types of beers and wines out there…. Clear win for alcohol.

  3. I would add that alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. There's an alcohol withdrawal syndrome that can occur when you've been drinking heavily and you stop or simply reduce your alcohol intake, one of the symptoms being Delireum Tremens, a violent neurological disorder which, if left untreated, can be fatal. If you're an alcoholic and want to stop, seeing a doctor is very important.

  4. There are ways to lessen the severity of a hangover from alcohol. The number one thing is DRINK WATER. Just in between drinks, have a glass of water. Stay hydrated. Also, don't drink on an empty stomach. You'll still have a hangover, the severity will be lessened to where you believe you aren't hungover.

  5. The world of marijuana is galactic. Effects and benefits all depend on which strain you use and its terpenes. Effects go from sedative, relaxed, paranoid to creative, energetic and euphoric and motivated. Not to mention its medicinal effects and more being researched. Alcohol in all its form have differing intensities of the very same effects. Same goes for any other drugs:- They all have one trademark effect, no matter where its from or who brew it. There are existing strains that feature all sorts of flavor and aroma profiles (creamy, citrusy, woody, chocolaty, fuel, chemical, pungent, fruity etc). Marijuana is way to be comparable to alcohol. The gap is widening further as time goes by.

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