Woman banned from Carnival cruise ships for life over CBD gummies

A Texas woman is now banned from stepping onboard any Carnival cruise ship for life all because she tried to bring CBD …


  1. I think its crazy the Carnival Cruises banned her for life. Are we sure she didn't put up a fight there on the spot with these people? Usually people have money that go on these cruises. I can see the ship banning her from that particular cruise. But to get banned for life! Her and her family must have done something to turn these people off. Maybe a big fight, cursing etc. Lets face it. One spends $10 thou on a trip and to be told you cant go! Id curse. She certainly didnt say, oh thats fine, I'll just go away with my family. I dont see this happening this way. I bet she hollered and put up a fuss! I would for $10 thousand a trip.

  2. so people are allowed to go to malls and steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff with no consequences and this lady gets banned for life for legal activities. Gotta love the backwards liberal bizarro world we all live in

  3. Meanwhile they'll serve alcohol aboard the cruise 24/7! The hypocrisy is ridiculous! When are we going to get out of this 1930s and '40s mentality about cannabis? Every state that has medical cannabis has lower opioid rates and no one has ever overdosed on THC nor has anyone ever killed anybody in an accident from being high on THC! THC doesn't impair you like alcohol does! The worst you might do while driving high is drive a little under the speed limit

  4. Are you kidding me ?!
    CBD and she’s banned for life ?!
    You all treat her like she’s a terrorist !
    Yet when murders happen on your ships, you do the worst interrogations and questions suspects together, instead of separating them – you guys are some of the worst ever ! I would NEVER go on a cruise !
    I’ve never been on one and I never will go on one. You guys gotta understand that there is NO ONE to HELP you out there and they don’t do a good job at policing and when something bad happens, they do some of the shiftiest shadiest interrogations I’ve ever seen in my life ! It’s all in an effort to protect their own interests. This is a ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ to everyone going on cruises 🚢
    When you’re out in international waters, you are at their mercy and 9 times out of 10, they are there to protect themselves and if you read the fine print, a lot of stuff is in their favor God help you Sneaky Con Artists out there on the water, cause you’re gonna need it when you stand in front of Your Creator !
    GOD does NOT tolerate INJUSTICE !
    God will see to it personally that those who look to con others will face the consequences of their actions !
    Believe It !

  5. This is unjust and unfair punishment. Carnival is clearly using her as a “scapegoat” example to re-write their wrongs of their past. What was not mentioned in this article (which I have confirmed through someone I know who witnessed this at the Port) is that she was initially “flagged” for nail clippers in her carry-on bag. It was only when she was sent to “secondary” that the gummies were discovered. She reportedly and instantly agreed to have the gummies discarded without incident, but instead she was detained and kicked off the Cruise while her other family members were given the option to sail without her.

    There are many others from Carnival’s past who have done much worse (even violent) onboard their sailings and gotten off less harshly and in some cases with no punishment. About six years ago onboard a P&O Cruise Ship which is also owned by Carnival, a young boy with autism bit an untrained youth counselor after being triggered as a defense mechanism. That boy and his adoptive grandparents were allowed to finish their sailing after being warned and scolded by the Ship’s Captain. It was five years later when the boy’s birth mother wanted to get married onboard a P&O Ship that the mother learned that her son was banned for life from all Carnival owned brands because of that incident.

    Carnival has become way too draconian in enforcing their policies. Rules are rules but it’s clear that this woman is being used as a target. It is My hope that she will be vindicated and made whole with compensatory damages in tow as well.

  6. No more carnival cruise for me & my family, from now on it will be Celebrity Cruise Line. I agree the way alcohol flows on cruises, & how carnival cruise is notorious for drunken fights on board, why didn’t they act like humans & throw them away. Why didn’t they just say it’s not allowed & move on. To ban her for life & then send her such a nasty letter is ridiculous, this captain is probably the type of person who leaves a litter of Golden-doodles in the woods to die, he should be embarrassed for signing that idiotic letter!!!

  7. Even the public is so screwed up in the brain that they have been conditioned, like carpenters, everything is a nail. CBD is non-halucinating and let idiots get it in their heads!

  8. I will honestly never go on carnival again after hearing this. Been on about 7 cruises with them but not any more.

    They have alcohol flowing out of every faucet but you're not allowed to have legal gummies? Royal Caribbean it is for me❤

  9. Oh, but you can get blackout drunk, puke off your balcony and fall overboard, but heaven forbid you take a gummy, get the munchies and fall asleep in a deck chair!

  10. Her gummy hadn't kicked in! We got a whole bag of chocolate on board this summer on a Med cruise out of Italy. The trick is you have to mix it in with other legal candies and nuts!

  11. You are not allowed to bring it. It says that on the website and agreement you sign. It's legal here but other countries and ports it is not, and if something happens there carnival can't do anything. The lifetime ban is extreme BUT I feel it might be because how she reacted she got the ban.

  12. it's all about alcohol sales. when people are consuming something safer than alcohol that keeps them functional and feeling great it becomes a threat to one of the cruise businesses core money makers. CBD does nothing but provide a healthy alternative to synthetic addictive drugs. It's all about control.

  13. Put your money where your mouth is and spend it elsewhere. Boycot the cruise industry until they drag themselves into the 21st century. All drunks allowed and encouraged with the DRINK PACKAGES… but legal cbd users are banned for life. Nope.. I'm not putting my money with ignorant companies.

  14. OK. Let’s keep it real. This woman was an experienced Carnival cruiser. Carnival has had this rule and has publicized this rule in multiple ways on social media as well as on its webpage. You have to be living in a closet with no access to any news at all to not know this rule.

    I sailed the same month from Miami as this woman sailed. I’m from Oklahoma. My 23-year-old great niece who is sailing with me. She has a medical marijuana card. I asked her multiple times before we left our homes to triple check she had nothing in her purse, backpack, or luggage that could remotely be related to CBD. When we got to the airport in Oklahoma City, I asked her to check again. When we left our hotel in Miami to board the ship, she checked again. Why? Because I’m an experienced Carnival cruiser, too. And I follow the rules. And I know because Carnival had just publicized the drug sniffing dogs at the Port of Miami that Carnival was serious about the CBD issue.

    CBD products are illegal in most Caribbean islands. That’s one of the reasons there is this rule. Don’t take it out of America and don’t bring it back into America. Especially in the Port of Miami. I’ve had a ship delayed by the DEA in Miami. It’s not fun and it cost a lot of people a lot of money, passengers and the cruise line alike.

    I absolutely side with Carnival about not letting the woman onboard. I understand she had trouble sleeping. She could’ve brought melatonin or Bonine, which makes you slightly drowsy with no drug hangover. There are a lot of over-the-counter products she could have brought instead of CBD gummies. And she’s a nurse, and she knows this. If not, then she’s not a good nurse. By the way, when I sailed out of Miami in August? Three of the six of us in my party were nurses. And they all checked to make certain my niece hadn’t accidentally packed anything with CBD.

    When we travel, we must be responsible adults. This lady was not a responsible adult. This is what happens when we’re not responsible adults. It’s unfortunate Carnival chose to ban her from cruising on their ships. But, at best, this is the consequence of her irresponsibility. At worst, it’s the consequence of her hubris thinking the rules don’t apply to her. Personally, I’d be so embarrassed at being so irresponsible that I would just take my punishment like a grown-up instead of whining and hiring a lawyer. She clearly broke the rules. They’re trying to weasel their way out of it using semantics, and I’m sure they’re trying to get some money from Carnival in the process. But if she can’t be trusted to be responsible, she doesn’t need to be cruising. I don’t blame Carnival for not being willing to accept the liability of having her as a passenger.

  15. Pretty harsh to ban her for life & I think taking & disposing of them should have been sufficient to let her take her trip. That being said, this is not a policy that Carnival just makes up for no reason. Everyone on that ship is going to be traveling thru international waters to other countries and ports. Carnival could face serious repercussions if they allowed passengers to carry items that are illegal to the countries being visited. If it’s a rule, it’s a rule for a reason and should be followed. Not every country on this planet is as forgiving or liberal as the United States. Just ask Brittany Griner.


  17. Cbd isn't globally legal even if it's derived from hemp. When you cruise you have to respect the fact that you enter foreign waters and follow the rules. Period.

  18. The cruise companies need to get educated and quickly. To ban this person for life is absolutely ridiculous. After reading this I will never give them my business. We just came home from a music cruise. Believe me, there was a lot of pot smoking going on. People weren’t hiding it at all.

  19. Royal Caribbean, took my travel iron. I got it back, end of cruise. Carnival should have done same thing. I just would’ve counted my gummy’s because I bet Carnival would’ve been in it. 😂

  20. Before you go on a cruise read the rules, and wont be issues. If you read them, and proceed to break them dont be shocked when you back fires on you when you gwt caught. It dont matter if its legal, its their policies, its a place for familys, and last thing they want is a idiot dropping one, and a child picks it up and eats it😒 so a valid reason.

  21. This is NOT about CBD legality, even though this is the media spin.
    They said NO…
    She went FULL KAREN.

    2:37 Someone highlighted the letter to avoid you reading the part which states… "This decision was based on your actions on the current cruise, which were a violation of the ship rules, interfered with the safety and/or enjoyment of other guests on the ship or caused harm to Carnival."
    It is STANDARD PROTOCOL on flights and cruises, that if you are engaged in angry Yelling, Violence, or destructive behavior, or any other disruptive behavior, you are unfit and thereby a high risk, and potential danger to yourself and to others when trapped on a vessel with nowhere to go.

    Stop freaking out when you are told NO, and things like this won't happen.
    Cannabis is still Federally illegal.. ignorance of the law is no exception to the law.

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