Its a good podcasts unfortunately its not as insane as these green texts make it seem but its definitely worth a watch/listen. I mean it wouldn't be on the top of the charts if it wasn't.
>Joe leans into the mic >Joe: you ever hear of the pooping bandit? He drops more shit than a rabid chimpanzee man. This guy is nutty man. >guest: ok but we were talking about econom… >Joe: JAMEI! Get up the green texts of the pooping bandit! That shits crazy man!
Not gonna lie i watch joe rogan all the time and ur caveman joe is spot on lmfoa
25:07 Stella Vermillion, Chivalry of a Failed Knight. Loved that series.
Ok-I’m actually crying now…I have tears in my eyes…
Its a good podcasts unfortunately its not as insane as these green texts make it seem but its definitely worth a watch/listen. I mean it wouldn't be on the top of the charts if it wasn't.
Give forth grug
Absolutely love grugposting!
I actually did google it, why do peanuts grow like damn potatoes?
27:22 Odel paso meme go.. oh wait never mind
>Joe leans into the mic
>Joe: you ever hear of the pooping bandit? He drops more shit than a rabid chimpanzee man. This guy is nutty man.
>guest: ok but we were talking about econom…
>Joe: JAMEI! Get up the green texts of the pooping bandit! That shits crazy man!
I love the Joe Rogan podcast I definitely recommend it
These greentextx are insane, Jamie, pull up greentexts about Chimpanzees ripping out arms. Like holy shit, dude! Have you tried DMT?
But seriously, those chimps will rip you to shreds!
Man. This video weighs 400lbs and rip your face off while Dr. Bear watches with Joe Rogan interviews it.
My name is… The pooping bandit
Rogan looks like a man who eats a lotta nuts
Dr bear
Oh this is GREAT!
Its your boi